In response to my esteemed cousin JayJay, I feel it is my duty to inform you that capes have been cool since 1938, as evidenced by this first issue of Action Comics in June of that year. I feel your memory of a Wham! video, 1983 and the inventing of capes has been clouded and somehow distorted over time.
Perhaps you meant to say that you were inspired by seeing the above cover in 1983 on TV in a history of comics documentary, noticed the coincidence that the year was switched around on the cover, and decided to create a cape from one of your mom's sheets and use it in a Halloween costume of Wham! member George Michael?
Perhaps I mispoke. I was the first to bring the cape to reality. To put it all into perspective, answer this question: had you ever seen a cape in person (not in the comics) prior to 1983?
No you hadn't......
Elvis wore capes. Not cool...
How about James Brown?
He is cool
u redeemed yourself with the james brown.
Darth Vader?
Yeah, James Brown trumps Elvis! The Phantom of the Opera (Gerry Butler) thought capes were cool too.
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