Sunday, February 1, 2009

Snow Melting Machine.

This was the best picture I could find of that mammoth snow melting machine Jay described. Good thing it makes up in function all that it lacks in Industrial Design. That thing is UGLY!

Now, what do you use in a situation like the picture below? Napalm? Or maybe we just call up Jen since she loves snow so much. ;o)


Saratoga DuChaussees said...

I love it... looks like our driveway right now! (okay, so maybe our snowbanks are a third of that)

Where was that picture taken and why are the snow banks like that? It must be a private driveway... there's no way government snowplows would do a job like that! Way too dangerous!

JayJay said...

I think it is a laser from outerspace that cuts a huge swath across an area of land. Couple today's GPS and Reagan's Star Wars program and voila!! You get the result in this picture!!


Saratoga DuChaussees said...

Do you think it's Canadians in Quebec testing their Death Star? That has Canada written all over it.

Anonymous said...

It is. We are building up our arsenal and getting ready for the take over or annexation. Remember we also have Canada geese.Your fighter jets probably won't stand a chance.

JayJay said...

LOL at Canadian geese!!

Saratoga DuChaussees said...

I forgot about the Canada geese... we are doomed.

I am going to raise an army of ducks in defense.

Anonymous said...

Do ducks fly that high? I think we are imagining a great big curry duck cook off while the geese are in combat.

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