Sunday, March 1, 2009

March 2009 Birthdays

The following are celebrating birthdays this month. Happy birthday to all!!!!

5th - Auntie Dot
13th - Genny (York, PA)
14th - Genny (Saratoga) 3rd birthday
14th - Caleb Huggins
24th - Janet
26th - Terehz (5th birthday)
27th - Claude Huggins


Saratoga DuChaussees said...
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Saratoga DuChaussees said...

Happy birthday to you!
I didn't realize that the two Genny birthdays were so close!

sextonseven said...

The two Genny DuChaussees were almost born on the same day? Freaky! Happy birthdays to all!

Janine! said...

why are the ages of the others not listed? I would like to know!!

JulieB said...

Ages are listed for those under 21 only. We don't want everyone to know our true age especially when you are getting up there.

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