Happy birthday to the following for the month of June:
3rd - John
12th - Sherwin
14th - Michel
18th - Garnet
20th - Marc (Duchaussee)
24th - Eva
26th - Raoul - the Scrabble King
27th - Leon
Three members of the FLA Duchaussee family (Papa Michel, Mama Eva and son Marc) are celebrating this month. Should be one BIG party.
Happy 43rd wedding anniversay to Tonton Gaston and his better half Yvonne.
KB and JB are also celebrating (for a second time this year) 41 years of married bliss!!!! on 15th June.
1 hour ago
Happy Birthdays and Happy Anniversaries!
Best wishes to everyone who's celebrating something this month. Hope whatever you are doing is fun and leaves you with wonderful memories
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