Monday, August 24, 2009

This is your life stories!

Hi Everybody!
I've been nose to the grindstone lately, head in the sand and working hard on my new business venture. It's called This is Your Life Stories. What it is is a custom made comic operation where I make comics of the important events in people's lives.
Please have a look family and tell me what you think. I'd especially appreciate any help with spelling errors (ahem Auntie Julie) and grammar mistakes. As well anything that doesn't work or look good please let me know. As well I could do with some frank critiquing of the artwork (ahem Sean) too!

Woooohoooo I'm excited!!

P.S. If you're wondering where my mom's 70th birthday comic is it's being redrawn and will soon be posted. Hopefully I may be able to get Auntie Linda's done in time but I need a story to work with!!


JayJay said...


Why don't you give us a link? You've inspired me!

Anonymous said...

Good going girl. Bon Chance. Hope you have a winner.....

Janine! said...

well silly me! looks like i didn't include the url!

Trininuyawka said...

Sign me up for a future story! ;o)

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