Saturday, June 21, 2008

Check your junk mail...

Hey everybody,

I sent out a batch of invites but chances are they will end up in your junk folder. (Or you might not even get it if you only receive E-mail from known contacts.) The invite will appear to come from me in the subject, but it is routed through the blog website and will look like this:

Trininuyawka (

If the domain is in your "blocked senders list", you will never get the invite so make sure it's not there. Anyhow, I will resend invites later on today.

BTW, to post comments, the blog will ask you to log in or create a Google account. (Also makes you type in some cryptic word.) This is to prevent anonymous people from blasting unsolicited ads and propaganda to various blog accounts throughout the internet.




JayJay said...

I can't seem to start a new thread. Am I doing somehting wrong?

Trininuyawka said...

Did you get the invitation to become an author? One you get the invitation, there's a long link in there that you click on. It will take you to a page that let's you put your E-mail and password in one more time and a button that says "Accept Invitation". Once you're an author, your name shows up under "Family & Friends" on the right side and you can start new threads. I'll send the invite again right now. My mom wasn't getting it because her hotmail account was blocking the @google domain (whre the invite comes from). So if you don't get, it is either going to a junk folder or being blocked altogether. If your old hotmail account is active, I can send it there too (haven't done that yet).

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