Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Electronic Voting Machines.

Excuse my rant but seeing this video gives me a whole lot of confidence that my vote will be counted…..for the wrong person!

What's truly funny is he defends that the machine doesn't pick McCain if you vote for Obama. Okay, fine….but it still picks somebody else!!!! And why in the world would an electronic machine need to be "recalibrated"? I mean if I move my PC from one desk to another, it doesn't need "recalibrating".

And the ultimate confidence killer? After….yes AFTER….he recalibrates the machine and votes straight Republican… picks Nader for president! What poor excuse for a programmer came up with these pieces of faulty craptastic equipment? This kind of stuff just makes absolutely no sense when I have a $250 iPod playing EXACTLY what song I pick when I click on it out of a library of 5000 songs.

This kind of BS just kills me!

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