Monday, October 13, 2008

US National Debt...

When Jimmy Carter arrived at the White House: $660 billion.

  • Added during Carter's four years: $337 billion.
  • Added during Ronald Reagan's eight years: $1.6 trillion.
  • Added during George H. W. Bush's four years: $1.6 trillion.
  • Added during Bill Clinton's eight years: $1.5 trillion.
  • Added during George W. Bush's seven years, nine months: $4.5 trillion.
  • Portion of the $9.5 trillion added to the national debt during the past 31 years and seven months that came during Republican presidencies: $7.7 trillion.
  • Percentage of that $7.7 trillion added during George W. Bush's two terms: 58%.

Could somebody explain again what "fiscal conservative" means?

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