Monday, January 5, 2009

The Evil Empire

The New York Yankees are the new evil empire

423 million for 3 players?1?!!???!

Down with tyranny and this evil organization!!

I thought Steinbrenner got ripped off by Bernie Madoff? Apparently not.....


JulieB said...

This is obscene!!!! Part of the deal should be to help some of those who lost their homes to foreclosure.

Trininuyawka said...

Awwwww...we stole A.J. from the Blue-Jays. Is that sour grapes I'm smelling?

It's a business. Look at it this way: The Yankees simply re-invest back into their "business". It's no different then Suzuki, Target, Sony, Google or Apple spending millions on research and development, marketing, customer relations, etc. Yankess didn't get to where they are by keeping profits, signing mediocre players, and running a baseball franchise "just good enough". If you inherit (or in Steinbrenner's case, buy) a commodity with a rich history, name recognition, and advantageous location, it's only common sense that you take advantage of such assets to increase the value of what you just acquired. That's all the Yankees are doing. Taking advantage of the wealth and success of their franchise and further investing into the team to maintain and/or increase such value and success.

And for all this talk about a salary cap, the Yankess just paid out something like $26 million in revenue sharing...Robin Hood-style. If a salary cap was to be introduced, that wouldn't stop the Yankees from raking in the revenue they do with their merchandising, TV network, advertising, world-wide recognition, etc. But it WOULD limit what they could spend on players. So what happens to the money they can't spend on players after they max out? It goes into the owners pockets! Do we really need the owners getting any richer? I figure if baseball (more so the Yankees) is raking in all this revenue, I'd rather see it being spent on the players then just going into one rich dude's bank account.

If people don't like all the money the Yankees are making, then stop buying their stuff, going to see your team play them, and letting the owner of your own team keep the Yankee dollars he gets from profit sharing instead of re-signing CC, AJ or Mark Texiera.

And while your at it, invent a time machine and go back and prevent the Yankees from building a stadium in big market NYC and loan your team money to buy Babe Ruth from the Red Sox instead of the Yankees.

If it was all about money, then the Yankees would have won 8 WS in the last 8 years. Considering they haven't I figure the rules of baseball are fair and just right now.

It's up to the rich players to donate some of their salaries to charities...just like the Yankee organization already does through their New York Yankees Foundation.

Now can we stop with this "Evil Empire" nonsense?

JayJay said...

Why do I want to see them fail? The Yankees are like rich kids who get everything they want each year for Christmas. They take the new toys and break them and throw themin the closet.

AJ did nothing for us anyway...and he is prone to injury.

And CC doesn't want to come to NY anyway.

The business model would SUPPORT a salary cap. The owners are in business - you are right - and the his or her idea is to make money. Where is the sense of fair play and a level playing field? I can throw money at anything and make it work....(except the US economy LOL)

The Yankees know that they are in for a cash infusion with their new stadium. How smug.

I pray to the gods of baseball for a sub-500 season for the evil Yankees!!! May mediocrity fall upon your organization! See how those of us in Toronto and Baltimore feel. See how it feels to be a Brewers fan or a Cubs fan.

JayJay said...

Sour grapes don't smell by the way

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