Thursday, October 16, 2008

BrotherJamal Simmons Where Art Thou?

Oh how we are missing the man with the nifty quotes in this CNN political coverage.
"If my aunt had a male appendage she'd be my uncle."

Ah, my U.N.C.L.E. Interesting.


JayJay said...
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JayJay said...

Maybe Roland Martin scored higher amongst young urban democratic viewers.....

Trininuyawka said...

Don't sleep on Roland. He is BY FAR my most favorite analyst amongst "the best political team on television". Too bad "hot Republican chick" Amy Holmes is playing for the wrong team.

The worst pundant? Well that used to be Lanny Davis but now he has been replaced by Bay Buchanan. Or any of McCain's aides like Tucker Bounds, Nancy Pfotenhauer or Nicole Wallace.

JayJay said...

OMG, I thought I was the only one who said that about AMy Holmes. Notice she never endorses Mc Cain or the repulicans though. Hey... everyone has to have a job I guess.

JayJay said...

Oh yeah and Bay Buchanan stinks. She makes very little sense and her face bothers me a little bit.

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