Friday, October 24, 2008

Palin as President

For those of you who have not seen this yet, it has got to be one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time! There's so much stuff to click on and see her response, sometimes you have to click multiple times to get all the different responses.
  • First, click here to go to the web page.
  • Move your cursor around to point at different things.
  • As you pass over things, either they will automatically animate or the cursor arrow will change to a finger indicating you can click on it.
  • There are MANY things to click on but here's some easy, funny ones:
  • Try clicking on the 3 windows....then waiting to see who walks by outside.
  • Try clicking on the two side panels on the front of the desk.
  • Try clicking on the door on the left....many times.
  • Try clicking on the globe on the left by the door.....many times.
  • Try clicking on the red phone AFTER you've opened the window shades.
  • Try clicking on the computer screen behind her and reading all the stuff that scrolls on it.

Apparently they keep adding stuff until Election day. So explore and enjoy!


JayJay said...

I am admitting this to you all. I check this everyday!!!


Trininuyawka said...

"Where'd Russia go?"

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