Thursday, January 15, 2009

Elise on TV!

Okay, how can I NOT be proud? She was interviewed by NY1 (local NY 24hour news channel) about her job with the National Children's Study. It's about 1 minute long or so. Click here to check it out.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Elise, hope the project goes well

JulieB said...

This study was also mentioned in Newsweek magazine and the Pocono Record newspaper(14 January). The article states that in April Pennsylvania will be included in the study. There is a website for thos interested

JayJay said...

Is Elise working on a sit-com pilot for NBC? She did well on TV!! Can I be the witty but annoying neighbour on the show?

sextonseven said...

Nice how Chris & Elise lost the NY1 channel days before Elise's TV segment aired. Sounds like a conspiracy to me.

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