I will say I was shocked to see that Garnet was afflicted with the LLW syndrome!!!! I know back in the day it was all about who had the tighter six-pack. And from his soccer days, his legs were like tree trunks and his calves were like solid, ripe fruit stuck under stretched plastic wrap. Then at one point he confessed to me his odd work schedule and the bad habit of buying fast food very late and then....going to sleep afterwards! (After reading Garnet's analysis, this sounds like a BIG NO-NO.) He was still strong like an ox, but his skin was noticeably "smooth" as fat had begun to cover those chiseled muscles.
Fast forward to roughly a week ago when he posted pics from his "Daddy & Daughter Day" on Facebook, and I couldn't help but comment saying he looked like the teenager I knew from back in the day. I had to give him props as I know how hard he worked to get that way. Not that he did it to get props from his cousin (I admire his true reasoning about Marisela whole-heartedly) but I imagine the props he gets from Charity is the true icing on the cake. Marisela will dish out props when she's old enough to know what props is. =o)
And I can testify that Sandra is living the LLW life to perfection. Not that any of you needed more evidence by the fact that she looked 25 years old at the reunion. But I clearly remember at a family gathering at Lisa's house (I can't remember what it was for), she didn't give in to the fact that it was a family gathering and she should simply eat what everybody was eating. No, there was separate bake made (with no salt I think) and separate chili prepared (using turkey I think) that she diligently consumed to LLW standards. Hardcore I thought to myself, but you gotta be hardcore about it to be serious. The payoff is that huge laughing smile on her face in the picture Janine posted. LOL
Jay, I got your back 100% cuz! Although coming from me (and all my 120 pounds) it may not mean much, but I know you can do it! I too remember back in the day that you too also had the symptoms of fruit-like calves and I was impressed because it was from all the riding you used to do. (My legs were like twigs and I knew I would have to walk a bike up the hill near your mom's house.) Going out to clubs, you'd get all the ladies attention as your clothes fit just right. I felt like an assistant: "Make way ladies! Tall, Dark and Handsome coming through! Coming through! Please, give the man some room ladies!"
But if there's one thing that stands out to me about your situation....it's that fact that your wife is afflicted with LLW!!! You should be able to catch the disease just by being around her! At the reunion Karen was looking fab and chic....shades and earings in the water and everything! Marriage is a team and you two should team up to live the LLW life! Do like what Garnet said, gut the fridge and stock it with good healthy stuff. Can't eat it if it's not there to eat, right? She can lead the way as she's already living it. Look to her for inspiration as well as motivation to look good FOR her.
Taking on a life-altering mission is so much easier if it's done tag-teaming with a partner. Sure you'll have the whole DNN family behind you, but it starts with you and the people you see everyday. And with Terehz, imagine the good habits you will be instilling in him (as well as De Andre as I'm sure he's already thinking about looking good for the ladies.) Heck, take De Andre with you to the gym and tag-team Father & Son-style. Have the whole family get bikes, get a bike rack and take trips to the park for riding excursions. With the warm weather coming around, start a plan and go for it. You've got two LLW lifers willing, ready and able to give you priceless advice on how to start the plan the right way. Then you, Karen, De Andre and Terehz will be taking family walks for lunch eating a shopping bag full of grapes....and talking about, "Damn skippy we all look good." =o)
-Your cuz, Chris
1 hour ago
Thanks Chris....
I think I can do it. I have all the tools and all I need is the motivation!! And your words help alot. Mark the progress!!!
I agree with everything Chris said! Our family is really hot when at our bests.
Speaking of tools, Jay like Garnet we too have a parent who lives close by and could rell cook...
Mrs Carrington? any thoughts?
LOL @ "could rell cook"
could= 3rd person singular present tense of the verb can
what's so funny???
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