Not to take anything away from the accomplishments of those in the LLW article but I think it's time I asked my family for their support. I currently weigh about 252 pounds and I would like to lose about 40 of those. For the last few years, I have been able to hide it pretty well - or so I thought. Lately, my clothes don't quite sit right and with the new season, the shorts that fit me last year are a little bit tight. The shorts from last year were bigger than the shorts from the year before. I wear sport jackets over my shirts and ties even on the httest days. There are not too many pictures of me out there and I realize that I avoid them for a reason.
As a kid, I rode my bicycle everywhere. It was my method of transportation. Now? Not so much. Its easy to jump in a car and drive.
So now that I can admit that I have a problem, I have a plan to try to correct it.
1) I loooove to eat and that love affair may have to end. I know that when you eat, it takes 20 minutes of so for your brain to register "full" on the gauge. But I keep eating anyway. I can control that or I ought to be able to control that.
2) I have a fairly good bicycle. I look at it and admire it, I shine it up and repair it but don't ride it as much as I should. I drive to places around here that are easily accessible by bicycle. I can control, or ought to be able to control that.
3) I also know that to achieve results, they must be measurable. Using my current weight as a starting point, I can keep everyone posted on the progress.
So I come humbly to my family - and with a bit of shame - for their support.
If anyone would like to join me as a sponsor (kinda like AA), let me know.....
Wish me luck folks.....
....and thanks Garnet for saying what you said about losing a parent. I will look to Rezzy and DeAndre for inspiration too.
Your cousin/nephew/brother/son/husband/friend;
Hey Jay! This is what Garnet wrote. I don't think he's really mad at Marisela or Uncle Leon...
I did not cut out anything it was a matter of eating smarter, For example, some diets tell you to cut out all carbs because it makes you gain weight. This is true but carbs help give you energy, that's why it's best to eat your carbs in the morning for breakfast, but as the day goes on eat less carbs and more protien with lunch and dinner. The energy you get from carbs helps get your motabolism going which inturn helps you burn fat.
I love fast food! I can't live without it, but it was a matter of finding out what I could eat at a fast food resturant that was good for me. If you did not know Mc Donalds and Wendys have all the nutritional facts on the sheets they use to cover the serving trays. I was able to use the sheets to figure out what I should and should not eat. For example, the McDonalds Quarter Pounder has 510 calories vs the Snack Wrap which only has 260. Of course I want to make the snack wrap as healthy as possible. So I make sure that it is grilled not crispy, less calories and fat, and it's plain meaning no honey mustard or ranch sauce.
What I added to my diet was more lean protien like turkey, fish and chicken. I cut pork out of my diet and eat red meat occasionally. I also added two more meals into my diet. Meaning in between breakfast, lunch and dinner I eat either yogurt a protien shake or some type of fruit. Eating constantly keeps your metabolism running which again, helps you burn fat. The only drawback to this is that your body becomes a custom to eating every 2 to 3 hours and you're always hungry.
It was very easy for me to cope with the lifestyle change because i have done this before. But there are somethings that I did different this time around. I always write in my planner what I ate, at what time, and the amount of calories. This helps me stay on track with my caloric intake. For example if I know I'm going to the gym I take in more calories because I know I'm burning more calories. You never want to eat less calories and burn more calories because then your body will eat your muscle not your fat. Also I cleaned out my fridge and stocked it with healthy food. It helps to have my Dad living close to me. I supply the healthy food and he cooks it for me.
My gym routine seems simple to me. I go to the gym 6 days a week, and I spend at least 2 hours there. When I get there I run on the treadmill for about 5 minutes to get my body warmed up. From there I go straight to the weights. I change up my routine everyday to keep my body guessing. For example, one day I'll do chest and biceps the next day shoulders and triceps, the next day back, the next day core and the next day legs. I always make sure I do different exercises so my body does not get used to the same routine. For some reason I do not experience boredom at the gym. What makes me keep going back is my daughter. I do not want her to go through what I went through with the loss of a parent. I want to make sure I'm healthy so I can see her all grown up. Compliments are also a form of motivation. When you are stopped in the street and some tells you that you look amazing, it makes you want to work harder because you know you can do better!
Jay if u need any tips, I'll be more then happy to assist.
Hey Jay...
You know we are behind you 150%. We always warned you about getting to your Dad's size. Let us know the start date of your plan and how often we will get progress reports.
Good luck
Thanks aunt....
I will do a bi weekly weigh in but may not report it. I just might show up rippled and shirtless. LOL
Janine! said...
You'll do fine Jay, I already saw you making some progress late last year. It shouldn't be hard for you to shed the extra weight.
However Auntie J and mom bring up a good point about our genetic heritage.We'll have to adjust our expectations goals and lifestyles accordingly.
And last thing on the subject for me, I hope you don't think you look bad now!! You still look good.(lucky for you you're not ugly!)just more. lol
Hey Jay... I struggle with weight, too, and I understand what you mean about eating past the full point. What helps me with that is slugging a BIG glass of water before any meal I eat so that I start out feeling full. Probably explains why I had to go so much at the beginning of the bike tour!
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