Sean, Sorry I can't make it for the party today. You see, I wasn't invited. However, if you can wend your way up north to TO, I will escort you to a Yankees game or, if you prefer I will arrange for someone else to do so. The schedule is as follows: May 12/14, Aug. 4/5 and Sept 4/7. September sound like a good time as you could probably take in the game on Friday night and then meet the rest of the family upstate as it is the labour day weekend. Please say "WER'E ON".
Whatever you do today have fun and enjoy it.
1 hour ago
Happy Birthday Sean. I am always ready to go to a ball game!!!
It doesn't have to be the Yankees either!!
Thank you very much Jay. Auntie, I think you sold that September weekend very well.
Happy Birthday Sean! I think they lied to me about your age though...
Does it mean a sale? If so please confirm so that I could get some decent tickets. The Yankees games are very well attended as fans from the border towns gravitate here to see them play.
Auntie, that is indeed a sale for Labor Day weekend! I will have that Friday off from work anyway.
Janine, don't believe anything you may have heard or read--including the high number on display on my MySpace page.
Contrary to any rumours you may have heard about there not being any Yankees tickets available for Sept 4th, I have in my possession tickets for said ball game. We'll even let you wear your Yankees cap.
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