God bless you two for giving you a beautiful, healthy baby girl! I know it must have been tough to miss the reunion, but what better reason then to actually extend a new branch on the Duchaussée Family Tree!
I see you have caught the "Gerry flu" from me and Elise when we visited you guys while Elise was pregnant. Alas, Uncle Gaston can now mamaguy both your dad and my dad now about having granddaughters. But that's okay, this is the 2000's. Girls don't have to give up their name these days. Just look at Camille. ;o)
Well, Elise and I wish you both all the best. We are stock full..... and I mean STOCK like a callaloo full of pigtail.....stock full of all kinds of fresh advice after our first year with Bella. So don't hesitate to drop us a line when Marisela is bawling her head off and you two think you've tried everything. Not to mention Elise has researched all kinds of info on infants in her last and her new job. Heck, she's even certified as a lactation consultant! (Dude, just think "free food" and that should be enough to convince Mommy Charity to go that route!) Bella is up and running so as soon as you can, get Marisela up to speed on peas & rice so she can keep up when we visit. Bella digs Ton Ton Gaston's pelau already as it is. LOL
Okay one last thing, when's the christening? =o)
31 minutes ago
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