Thursday, July 31, 2008

Chocolaty Goodness

On a side note, Happy Anniversary Chocolate Chocolate Garney and Charity!


JayJay said...

Happy Anniversary guys!!

Why do they call him Chocolate Chocolate Garney?

Trininuyawka said...

Well, see...wuh had happened was...

Back in the day when we went on the Christmas cruise (I think it was 1991 or there abouts), one of the stops was Grand Cayman Islands. So we're chilling on the beach...Gerry, Camille, Sean, Garnet and me...and Garnet jumps up and runs into the ocean and starts doing all these weird, strange back flips and flops in the surf. All the while he's yelling out, "Yo check me out! I'm chocolate, chocolate Garney! Woo-hoo!!!" To this day, he is known as Chocolate Chocolate Garney.

Don't ask me why or how. Maybe he inhaled a tiny jelly-fish from snorkeling earlier in the day or something and it constackeled his brain. LOL! (We even have video I think from my dad's camcorder.)

Sorry I blew up your spot, Garnet. BLAH-DOW!!!!...with a shotgun no less!

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