Friday, July 25, 2008

Words changed in Trinidad

I learned some interesting things on my visit to Trinidad. Like a caterpillar that turns into a butterfly, words that enter the scope of Trinidadians undergo...lets say...a "colourful" change.

Jour Ouvert
Quay D'Orsay
San Juan

Can you think of any more? And even better, do you know the story, pronunciation and correct spelling of the word?


Janine! said...

Jab Jab...That dancing carnival character comes from the french Diable Diable that means Devil Devil.
Why is it that everything is said twice twice?
Does anyone know?

JulieB said...

Too bad Uncle Raoul is not a blogger!! He is the only person in the family who can answer these questions. You missed your chance at the last reunion. Maybe in November in Tobago again?

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