Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 2009 Birthdays

Sorry I'm a little bit late but these are the birthdays/anniversaries for the month of April

6 April - Vanessa (Our German connection)
Aydhan (two years old)already!!!
11 April - Yannick (Happy 18th)
13 April - His Mom, Margaret
17 April - Alfred (the karate kid)
19 April - Patrice
22 April - Nancy (a major milestone)
22 April - Christopher
25 April - Sean (also a major milestone)

Happy 15th wedding anniversary to Tony (aka Collie) and Yraiz


Anonymous said...

Up front I wish everyone who has a birthday/anniversry, best wishes and if you decide to celebrate, hope you have a grand ole time. Hugs and kisses to Aydhan. Anyone who's planning a celebration can send me a plane/bus/train ticket. I've designated myself a career party person so I'll be there to join in the festivities.
On a different note I know that Chelsea wrote the common entrance exams on March 26th.That too might be considered a milestone. Hope everything went well for you Chels.

sextonseven said...

Maybe these monthly birthday announcements weren't such a good idea after all.

Anonymous said...

Sean, Are you afraid that we might have a surprise party in the works? Given a bride I might just let you in on it.

Anonymous said...

Ooops i meant bribe...

sextonseven said...

Right, Auntie. I'm sure your "typo" was purely unintentional. Har har.

Anonymous said...

Sean, I can assure you, it really was a typo but sometimes the subconscious has a way of sneaking through har har

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