Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A New Addition to the Duchaussee Family

After a long and tiring 9 months, Marisela Riann Duchaussee, daughter of Garnet and Charity Duchaussee, was born July 28th 2008 at 8:46pm, weighing 6 pounds 1 ounce. This was the main reason why Charity and I could not attend the reunion in Tobago. As you can see, she already has the trademark Duchausse Nose.


JayJay said...

Congrats Garnet and Charity!! She's beautiful...

JulieB said...

Another July birthday. We just celebrated three at the reunion - Janice (22nd) Marianna (24th) and Elise (26th) Add Marisela (28th). Do I see a pattern here?? Congratulations!!!

Trininuyawka said...

Not only that, she almost popped out on your anniversary! Wow, big tings a gwan last week of May!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Garnet and Charity. So pleased to hear that Mon and baby are doing well. Hope the introduction to the family takes place soon. Grandpa Leon must be beaming.

Janine! said...

Congratulations Charity and Garney! Wow que nina linda!! And full points for the name, tell us where did it come from?

sextonseven said...

Congratulations! It's a good thing the name Knicksie was already taken!

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