Wednesday, November 5, 2008

admit it....

which of you cried?


Janine! said...

I didn't cry. I laughed and whistled, a lot!!

Trininuyawka said...

I knew he was going to win earlier in the evening when they called PA and Ohio for Obama. At that point there was no way for McCain to win.

But when did it hit Elise and I? The second he came on stage. We both started to cry and he hadn't even said a word yet. And at the end when CNN had it splashed across the screen in high definition glory: Barack Obama: Elected President. We held each others hand. Speechless with wet cheecks.

JayJay said...

I didn't think I would but during his speech when he mentioned his grandmother, that was hard, when I saw Oprah crying, that was hard but when his speech was over and Joe Biden came out, that was it. I spoke to a few people taoday and they all cried too.

Saratoga DuChaussees said...

The question should be... "How many times did you cry?" I can feel the pressure now if I let myself. When I first started seeing Gerry, someone once told me that if I were to have children with him, other children (black or white) would not want to play with them. They would grow up feeling different and alone. I would love to hear what this person has to say today. I am so happy to be able to tell my children, with definitive proof, that they CAN achieve their dreams no matter what their skin color.

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