Monday, November 3, 2008

Why I'm voting for Barack Obama....

To answer Janine's question about why I'm voting for Obama, There are dozens and dozens of reasons. But I'll break it down into two general reasons....

First, he is a new breed of politician. Every speech he gives always redirects back onto the voter. Citizens. The country. And our place and responsibility in the world. He always talks about the greater good, looking after one another, and living a life of hope and optimism over fear and division. He constantly says that we are all in this together and that if we unite and work together, there is nothing we can't solve. Who doesn't like a message like that from their leader? He doesn't obsess with questioning McCain's character. Obama himself has been called a socialist, a celebrity, a Muslim, a terrorist, a baby-killer, Marxist, unpatriotic, an elitist, a radical, too black, name it, he's been called it. But his demeanor and the way he deals with it if he's been called the N-word too many times in his life to be bothered just gives me great confidence in the belief that he is truly a once-in-a-lifetime type of leader. He was born to lead, in a very selfless way as evidenced by his first job out of college as a community organizer rather then a big time, big money lawyer. True enough you have to go to the previous generation's MLK and Kennedy to find another leader of such caliber. Were he white I would still be excited to vote for him based simply on his message and the tone of his campaign. But he is not. And that is what truly brings a sense of pride to my vote in a way I cannot even describe.

I can't even begin to imagine the impact he will have on young folks, especially black kids, when they see him repeatedly for the next 4-8 years addressing the nation. Proving day after day that anything is possible and anybody can be President. Giving kids hope and ambition with every press conference he gives. Showing that racism indeed can be defeated. Displaying an image that black men are not all criminals. That we can possess intellect. That we can possess responsibility. That we can be good fathers and raise a beautiful family. Having a black woman, that for all too long have been at the very bottom of the totem poll in terms of rights (behind black men and white women) now representing the most powerful nation on earth as First Lady with class, strength and elegance. And seeing the future of my daughter Isabella in the faces of his two young daughters as they play on the South Lawn of the White House. Knowing that Bella will grow up always understanding that anybody (including herself) could be anything they want to be, including President. She will never know the feeling of thinking you'd never see a black person in the White House. These images that I imagine as I wait to see if Obama is indeed the 44th President of the United States tomorrow cement my belief that he will be an extraordinary leader of this generation, this country and of the world in a way that I never could have imagined 2 years ago much less envisioned during my lifetime. And that is why I am casting my vote for Barack Obama.


JayJay said...

I can understand your point of view completely. I constantly hear the argument for John McCain as this: You should vote for John McCain because you should not vote for Barack Obama.

Good luck today and the rest of the world is waiting for this change. In Canada they did a poll and Obama had a 72% approval rating. The same is true throughout the world. The buzz around here is how McCain is doing as well as he is! No one can believe it. The influence of the US - like it or hate it - is felt around the world.

Trininuyawka said...

The icing on this whole Obama cake is just imagining what MLK would be thinking were he alive today. Two little black girls decorating their rooms in the White House. Every time you heard his "I Have A Dream" speech, you'd always imagine that it'd never happen. And here we have millions and millions of people of all races and nationalities voting for Obama....with enthusiasm! It's just truly amazing.

And factor in his approval all across the globe and you can see how easy it is to drink the Obama Kool-Aid. I mean McCain made it out to be a bad thing that 200,000 Germans showed up to hear Obama speak. Are you kidding me? Like you said, Jay, Obama will influence many people around the world in many, many ways from US policy to personal inspiration. And for the record I think that is a beautiful thing.

Saratoga DuChaussees said...

Beautifully said, Chris. Especially the part about children. Maddy is anxiously waiting to see if Obama will win. Even at 6 years, I can tell she understands the importance of today's election. Yesterday, her school participated in the national kids' vote, and she wore her "I voted" sticker proudly all day letting everyone know she voted for Obama.

Anonymous said...

I hope to God that Obama comes through for all the obvious reasons that you have put forward.... but can you imagine Sara Palin being VP. What a slap in the face this would be for Hilary Clinton who can run rings around her at any given time....I hope that there is some justice out there. Good luck to you guys.

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