So lately I have been VERY into capes. Yes, the type you wear. I have purchased two in the last two weeks, and also have a poncho Chris thinks looks like one. No I do not wear them with a body suit and a big E on my chest. Anyways, on my way into work this morning I realized why this is so. I am Super Nerd. Why you ask? Well, as I walk into my office this morning, who do I meet coming into the door? Andy Rooney! Yes. Afterwards, with excitement, I proceeded to tell this to a young woman I was interviewing for a job and she said what I knew would be asked: "Um, who is Andy Rooney?"
(My mom instantly knew who I was talking about when I called her all excited. You'd think I saw Brangelina or something.)
- Super NERD over and out
2 hours ago
1 comment:
I don't think you are a nerd. Capes are tres chic. N'est-ce pas? Ya know, I invented the cape in 1983. I was inspired by a Wham! video. Just letting you know.
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