Thursday, November 6, 2008

The future of the American democratic process

Long drawn out process causes alot of expense and stress.

May I suggest this as the new democratic process?

Just picture the CNN results splashed across the screen on voting day:

"McCain gets served....Obama president!!!"


Saratoga DuChaussees said...

I think I would have to call that one for McCain and Palin!

Janine! said...

I don't know, there was a part for the McCain crew that was distinctley "ballet". Not very much street cred there...

Trininuyawka said...

I saw this on CNN and I was laughing! Obama should have pulled in "Comfort" From So You Think You Can Dance. She would have slaughtered Palin.

JayJay said...

I showed this to my Dad and he was really surprised by how much the dancers looked like McCain and Obama. He thought they were look- a-likes. Oh dad......

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