Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dumber than a 5th grader....

When someone asks you to name another Supreme Court decision besides Roe v. Wade, as a potential VP of the United States, you answer should not be pure silence.

Was she not around to see the 2000 election and Bush v. Gore? And I won't even mention famous cases learned in grade school like, oh, I don't know….Brown v. Board of Education, Dred Scott Decision, Miranda v. Arizona. The biggest one that she SHOULD know? How about 3 months ago when the state of Alaska lost $2 billion dollars when the Supreme Court ruled to reduce Exxon's punative damages from the Valdez spill????? I guess as governor of Alaska and being married to a fisherman, losing out on $2 billion dollars is irrelevant.

You just can't make this stuff up.

Monday, September 29, 2008

This was part of a letter published in the Express newspaper. 'Teams Obama, Mc Cain - tale of an educational tape'

Team Obama

Barack Obama - Occidental College - 2 years
Coulmbia University - BA political science(International politics)
Havard - Jurist Doctor(J.D.) Magna Cum Laude

Joseph Biden - University of Delaware- BA History
BA Political Science

Syracuse University College of Law - Jurist Doctor (J.D.)

Team Mc Cain

John Mc Cain : Naval Academy- class rank- 894 of 899

Sarah Palin- Hawaii Pacific University - one semester
North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study
University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism
Mantasuka Susitana College - one semester
Univesity of Idaho - 3 semesters - BA in journalism

Congratulations, Jay Karen & Therezh. I enjoyed looking at The video of Rezzy's first day.

No Jack, tell us how you really feel.....

Check out this link. Jack Cafferty rips into Sarah Palin.....


Tina Fey at her best

For those of you that missed the latest SNL skit of Palin's interview with Katie Couric, here it is.

The sad part is that, for the most part, she is not making up the answer she gives with regards to the $700 billion bail-out package. If you go back and watch "Downright Scary - Part 2" for her original answer, you will see that all the main points are verbatim. Rumor is there are other parts of the interview that are worse that CBS has not aired.

Jay and Karen's anniversary

Six years ago on September 28th, Jay and Karen were married.

We spent a great weekend in Niagara Falls. Thanks to everyone for your support over these years.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Jay's bikes

I am going to ride in the 2009 5 Borough Bike Tour. I am posting it here so there is a record of me saying it. I have been saying that I'll participate for the last 3 years!! This time I am ready. I have 2 bikes now and I am in full training mode.
Bike #1 - 1996 (or so) Rocky Mountain Mountain Fusion

Bike #2 - 1989 (or so) Centurion LeMans

Mark these words and if I don't go on that tour, everyone can call me on it....
Wish me luck!!

Rezzy's first day of school

What a day it was. The weather was beautiful. Karen and I took the day off to send Rezzy to school. He was nervous the night before and had a hard time sleeping. It was a mixture of fear and excitement. This is what everyone was talking about....SCHOOL!! It's where the big kids go!!

I think WE - the adults - were experiencing more of the fear and excitement than we thought we were. We understood that we might have had to stay with him until he was comfortable and we told him that. When it was time to go in, he looked up at me and said "Are you coming with me?" Before I could answer, the teacher said "No, they have to go...." He put on a brave face and marched in while holding his new teacher's hand tightly.

I couldn't help but a cry a bit. It seems like yesterday he was born.......

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Downright Scary - Part 2

I challenge anybody to translate into a coherent sentence what it is Sarah Palin is trying to say in her response in this video. Because I've watched it several times and I STILL don't know what it is she's trying to say. (The fact that they cut off her answer at the end makes it even worse.) Not only that, this trainwreck of an answer is eerily similar to this train wreck.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Downright scary!

If you think this interview starts off bad (i.e. "If I don't know the answer to a follow-up question you ask me, I should just repeat the previous answer I gave that necessitated the follow-up question in hopes that you will cut me some slack and move on."), just wait until the end when I say I'll have to get back to you on something that doesn't exist: an example of John McCain pushing for more regulation in all of his 26 years in the Senate. Especially when I just finished telling you how he has a great track record. Hmmmm....almost sounds like when McCain said he'll have to get back to a reporter on a position of if health insurance policies should cover birth control just like many cover Viagra. Or when he had to get back to a reporter on how many houses he owned.

Yankee Stadium: In Memoriam...

"The House That Ruth Built..."

After a classy ceremony at the stadium's final game Sunday evening, and in honor of the fact that the Yankees were officially eliminated last night, I decided to make a little slideshow from our Yankee Stadium tour back in June to the sweet music of Frank Sinatra. No other sporting venue has seen more championships in all of professional sports then Yankee Stadium. For you Yankee fans, enjoy! For all you Mets fans....sorry, I don't have a slideshow of Shea Stadium.

Monday, September 22, 2008

How many CARS do you own?

I have to say, McLame is such a kept man. MSNBC reports today that McCain owns.....wait for it......THIRTEEN cars. (Does each home come with a pair of his and hers cars?) That isn't the funny part though. His name is on the title for only one, with Cindy picking up the title on ELEVEN, though she doesn't drive any of those. SHE drives a Lexus through the family beer business, with personalized plates reading "MS BUD." Pointing towards our dependence on foreign oil, McLame's main car is a Cadillac CTS, supposedly not a gas sipper.

How many does Barack own? One. A Ford Escape Hybrid. He traded in his 300C Hemi last year when people started moaning about how the car guzzled gas.

First Presidential Debate in T-5 days. Heroes in T-10 hours.

Which are you more excited about?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Plastic Bags

Amazing statistics on plastic bags. Given the size of this family, if we all did our part we could make a difference. Personally I have three reusable bags. You can get them at any grocery store for about 99 cents. Please click here. for link to Pocono Record slideshow.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I don't get it.....

So this morning I was reading an article about how abortion is dividing the Catholic vote and that if you win Catholics (along with women, "working class" people, blacks, Hispanics, chickens...blah blah blah) that you basically win the swing states, and thus the election. One of the writers on the story spoke with Catholics in Scranton (gotta love 'em) about how they were voting. One guy, of many who the writer interviewed, said that he had supported Kerry 4 years ago, and had voted Hillary during this primary season. When asked who he was voting for now, he said that he was leaning towards McCain "because of the life issue." I am stumped? I don't get it.

This has GOT to be code for something else. A (racial)elephant in the room, perhaps?

Let me explain.

Both Kerry and Clinton support abortion rights and support the ruling of Roe v. Wade (1973), and have made no qualms about going against the Church on this issue (Kerry was banned from receiving communion because of this...but this opens another Pandora's box that I don't have time to argue here). Back to the current issue....

How can a person who voted for two Pro-Choice candidates in the past up and switch to a Pro-Life candidate suddenly, because of the "life issue," an issue that did not sway him in previous election cycles? Could this be the rearing of the proverbial elephant many are afraid to discuss, but has become a VERY REAL reality in this election and an unsaid reason why many say that will NOT vote for Obama?

I welcome thoughts....

"Fashion Police" becomes reality.

A 17-year-old spent a night in jail last week after police arrested him for wearing low pants in Riviera Beach, southeast Florida.

The law banning so-called "saggy pants" was approved by city voters in March after supporters of the bill collected nearly 5,000 signatures to put the measure on the ballot.

Wow. Next up are a ban on "high waters", spandex, "muffin-top" jeans, cropped T-shirts, white outfits after Labor Day, pajamas in public, and....wait for it..... "Mom" jeans!!!

That was until a Florida judge deemed the law unconstitutional. The sad part is Dallas and Atlanta are considering creating their own "fashion police". Maybe they will ban black trenchcoats because clearly only terrorists wear those things.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Speaking of book banning....

Shortly after taking office in 1996 as mayor of Wasilla, a city of about 7,000 people, Palin asked the city's head librarian about banning books. Later, the librarian was notified by Palin that she was being fired, although Palin backed off under pressure.

Why would you even ask such a question, hypothetical or not, in this day and age and with all the book burning done in Nazi Germany? Can the GOP explain that one? Why does she need clarification on such a thing? Doesn't she know her history and the Constitution???? You're telling me you don't know if it would be legal? You don't know if you have the power to do so as Mayor? What planet does this woman live on?

I swear you can't make this stuff up:

Jim Rettig, a University of Richmond librarian who heads the Chicago-based American Library Association, suggested that lingering quarrel raises issues that are still relevant as librarians prepare to celebrate Banned Books Week later this month.

Librarians are very committed to the principles of the First Amendment of the Constitution and that means we don't allow one individual or a group of people to dictate what people can or cannot read," he said. "Most librarians if they got that sort of a question would be curious as to what the intent of the questioner was.

I'm sorry, but the only reason someone asks that question is because #1) They're ignorant and don't know history or the Constitution or #2) They're thinking about banning a book.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Celebrity talking sense.

When you see a display of common sense, it's so refreshing I felt the need to share it with you all.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


This is not about American politics now. Someone left a pair of grey adidas sneakers with orange stripes and white socks. Please let me know what to do with it. Should I give it away or hold and send back with whoever comes to the wedding?

Puting a Trini perspective on Palin

This is the intro to a cloumn in the T'dad Guardian written by Dr. David Bratt a pediatrician. I put the caps on Sangre Grande because I found that to be so funny.

"Perhaps the most important thing that the Republican VP candidate in the American elections, Ms. Palin, the "pitbull in lipstick," and formerly the mayor of a town the size of SANGRE GRANDE, will ever do , has been done and that is to raise awareness of Downsyndrome.

If you have not heard and you must be the only person alive not to, Sarah Palin is supposed to have had a child with Down syndrome barely four months ago and as one experienced mother told me, she is the healthiest looking four-month old post partum woman yet seen, even if , as reported, she is breast feeding , whilst working a full-time day as governor of Alaska.

They make them tough up north!

There is talk that the child is not hers but her 17-year old daughter's who is also said to be now five months pregnant. The theory goes that Governor Palin covered up her daughter's pregnancy for political reasons. Whatever the truth, and I certainly do not believe the rumours, this is a fertile family, indeed."

Thursday, September 4, 2008

John Stewart is brilliant!

Watch hypocrisy perfected.

House vs. Fancy Outfit

Now I see why they laugh off being a community organizer. Because then they wouldn't be able to spend $300,000 on an outfit.

Community Organizer?

Besides the fact that they have to resort to personal attacks because they have nothing else to run a campaign on (what, they're gonna talk about how great the last 8 years has been?), what really offended me last night was the sight of 20,000 Republicans laughing like hyenas at the fact that out of college at the age of 23, Obama moved from NYC to Chicago to become a community organizer and help jobless people on the south side of Chicago. As if being a community organizer is some kind of joke and waste of time.

Well, as pointed out on this blog, I guess these community organizers never led or accomplished anything:
  • Susan B. Anthony
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Cesar Chavez
  • Harriet Tubman
  • Dorothy Day
  • Mohandas Ghandi
  • Oh, and somebody named Jesus of Nazareth.

And if Sarah Palin thinks by just being a governor that makes her better then any community organizer, then she must really like this guy, who was also a famous governor.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mother = qualified to run the country.

Because when you're a mother of 5 kids and manage a family budget that automatically qualifies you to run a country of 300 million and a budget over $1 trillion. So claims random woman on The View.

You just can't make this stuff up....

In defense of "Mom" jeans

Ah, mom jeans. You with your room-making front pleats, high waist, pegged legs, and stone washed finish. How we all love to pour the hater-ade on you, but when it comes time, can't get enough of you....

Thinking as I walked into work this morning, I suddenly understood the appeal of these jeans. You can easily hike them up over that little pooch thing you get after bearing children that never goes away, even after like 6 BILLION crunches each week. Hiking them up but wearing a longer top over it just covers the area and really makes your tummy look as flat as it once was...sorta. I haven't resorted to this fashion disaster (if ever there was one) but will it eventually come to a head? Will someone help me make the right decision when I reach that crossroad? Paired with a pair of white Keds, how could one go wrong.

Sometimes the choice of a "mom" jean is the difference between no muffin top with a high waisted pant, or an unsightly muffin top. Which is the lesser of the evils? With the new "High Waisted Pant" craze, will moms parading around in these pegged suckers be considered fashion-forward?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Second Reunion Video!

Hey folks!

Here's the next reunion video as promised. It covers all the family portraits that were taken during the Sunday Brunch. (68 pictures and two songs.) Unfortunately posting these videos on the blog, you tend to lose some of the detail to keep the file size small enough to load quickly. However all the detail is kept when creating a DVD to play on a player and your TV. (Also, sorry for the slight video distortion. Still trying to figure out why it appears slightly scaled after I upload. I guess one trade off is everybody looks like they lost a few pounds. LOL!)

For the time being, enjoy the slide show and music. And again, all the photos I used are posted on my Flickr account. There are some really great portraits in there worthy of printing I think. After you Photoshop out that pole! LOL


A picture worth a thousand words...

...Because when you work as a mayor for 6 years in what (according to James Carville) "...looks like a bait shop in South Louisiana", you gain enough experience to run the United States of America.

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