If you think this interview starts off bad (i.e. "If I don't know the answer to a follow-up question you ask me, I should just repeat the previous answer I gave that necessitated the follow-up question in hopes that you will cut me some slack and move on."), just wait until the end when I say I'll have to get back to you on something that doesn't exist: an example of John McCain pushing for more regulation in all of his 26 years in the Senate. Especially when I just finished telling you how he has a great track record. Hmmmm....almost sounds like when McCain said he'll have to get back to a reporter on a position of if health insurance policies should cover birth control just like many cover Viagra. Or when he had to get back to a reporter on how many houses he owned.
1 hour ago
There was a guy here who, when asked about examples of what he has done for the company, said "I'll try to find some and I'll get back to ya!.."
He is no longer employed here.
That was pretty scary. In the real world, you can'r say stuff without being able to back them up. We call that "talking sh&*"
Most politicians are good b*llsh*tters. Palin can't even BS her way through a single answer without looking like a complete idiot. Maybe she's the political equivalent of a pool shark? Maybe she will throw down at the VP debate and put Biden to shame.... *snicker*
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