Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dumber than a 5th grader....

When someone asks you to name another Supreme Court decision besides Roe v. Wade, as a potential VP of the United States, you answer should not be pure silence.

Was she not around to see the 2000 election and Bush v. Gore? And I won't even mention famous cases learned in grade school like, oh, I don't know….Brown v. Board of Education, Dred Scott Decision, Miranda v. Arizona. The biggest one that she SHOULD know? How about 3 months ago when the state of Alaska lost $2 billion dollars when the Supreme Court ruled to reduce Exxon's punative damages from the Valdez spill????? I guess as governor of Alaska and being married to a fisherman, losing out on $2 billion dollars is irrelevant.

You just can't make this stuff up.

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