Friday, September 12, 2008

Speaking of book banning....

Shortly after taking office in 1996 as mayor of Wasilla, a city of about 7,000 people, Palin asked the city's head librarian about banning books. Later, the librarian was notified by Palin that she was being fired, although Palin backed off under pressure.

Why would you even ask such a question, hypothetical or not, in this day and age and with all the book burning done in Nazi Germany? Can the GOP explain that one? Why does she need clarification on such a thing? Doesn't she know her history and the Constitution???? You're telling me you don't know if it would be legal? You don't know if you have the power to do so as Mayor? What planet does this woman live on?

I swear you can't make this stuff up:

Jim Rettig, a University of Richmond librarian who heads the Chicago-based American Library Association, suggested that lingering quarrel raises issues that are still relevant as librarians prepare to celebrate Banned Books Week later this month.

Librarians are very committed to the principles of the First Amendment of the Constitution and that means we don't allow one individual or a group of people to dictate what people can or cannot read," he said. "Most librarians if they got that sort of a question would be curious as to what the intent of the questioner was.

I'm sorry, but the only reason someone asks that question is because #1) They're ignorant and don't know history or the Constitution or #2) They're thinking about banning a book.

1 comment:

Saratoga DuChaussees said...

I think your reasons #1 and #2 can be lumped into one bigger reason--they want to push their own agenda. This is another way in which Palin appears to be anti-choice. As a librarian, I cannot vote for Palin based on principle. Add that in to her wanting to teach creationism in schools, trying to fire gov't employees who do not follow her belief system (abuse of power), her desire to overturn Roe v. Wade, and the fact that most of her gov't experience comes from being the mayor of a town less than half the size of Saratoga Springs--seems like an impending disaster.

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