Sunday, September 28, 2008

Jay's bikes

I am going to ride in the 2009 5 Borough Bike Tour. I am posting it here so there is a record of me saying it. I have been saying that I'll participate for the last 3 years!! This time I am ready. I have 2 bikes now and I am in full training mode.
Bike #1 - 1996 (or so) Rocky Mountain Mountain Fusion

Bike #2 - 1989 (or so) Centurion LeMans

Mark these words and if I don't go on that tour, everyone can call me on it....
Wish me luck!!


Saratoga DuChaussees said...

We will be there, too!

Trininuyawka said...

Oh man, Jay. I don't envy you. There are easier ways to tour the city you know.

elise barrow said...

I read this as "5 BIKE tour" and thought you were asking for people to send you bikes which you would stach at various points throughout the "tour" to ride depending on terrain.

I think way too much.

The Barrows will be there with you... in spirit.

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