Ah, mom jeans. You with your room-making front pleats, high waist, pegged legs, and stone washed finish. How we all love to pour the hater-ade on you, but when it comes time, can't get enough of you....
Thinking as I walked into work this morning, I suddenly understood the appeal of these jeans. You can easily hike them up over that little pooch thing you get after bearing children that never goes away, even after like 6 BILLION crunches each week. Hiking them up but wearing a longer top over it just covers the area and really makes your tummy look as flat as it once was...sorta. I haven't resorted to this fashion disaster (if ever there was one) but will it eventually come to a head? Will someone help me make the right decision when I reach that crossroad? Paired with a pair of white Keds, how could one go wrong.
Sometimes the choice of a "mom" jean is the difference between no muffin top with a high waisted pant, or an unsightly muffin top. Which is the lesser of the evils? With the new "High Waisted Pant" craze, will moms parading around in these pegged suckers be considered fashion-forward?
23 minutes ago
Muffin tops are worse. Just as long as shirts aren't tucked completely in to high-wasted jeans with heart-shaped pockets. I think that may be the only thing worse than a muffin top. Go for a mid-rise jean with a shirt that falls just above the hips. Or wear a baby-doll top--they cover everything and still look cute!
And another 80's fashion come-back that I hoped to never see... stirrup pants are back in the stores. Why???
Jen you cracked me up this morning, which I of course needed after listening to that speech last night! Please tell me you caught it.
Mom jeans with heart-shaped pockets! My mom owned a pair. No longer of course, but yes, at one time.....Recently I wore a baby-doll type top twice on the train and both times I was mistaken for pregnant. From now on I plan to wear plastic sacks to work!
Stirups = apocolypse
When are we al going to see each other? It has been AGES! Come down this weekend!
I caught some of the speech last night. I think the RNC was pumping sedatives through my TV because I could not stay awake while watching it. I tried! The thing that most caught my attention was her accent--particularly how she says her R's. So whatever she was actually saying went right past me!
We are busy this weekend, but it would be nice to have one of our get-togethers like we used to do at the orchard. We have to find a new place because I got poison ivy every time we went there. Have any ideas?
I think apple-picking this year would be a great idea. Do you think your tweens would really want to do something like that? I may have to hang out with a younger set so Bella can expereince that fun. I have to do it before she gets (even) stronger willed and starts insisting we take home 3 bags of rotten apples. Thanks but no thanks. I have a trick for that one already though that I learned from Camille. I bet I could get Lisa on the task. What are your weekends looking like? Soccer? Baseball? Crocheting? we just have swimming on Sats but we can miss that if need be. Can you believe that last time we all went you were pregnant with Baby Genny? It's been tooo long!
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