This is the intro to a cloumn in the T'dad Guardian written by Dr. David Bratt a pediatrician. I put the caps on Sangre Grande because I found that to be so funny.
"Perhaps the most important thing that the Republican VP candidate in the American elections, Ms. Palin, the "pitbull in lipstick," and formerly the mayor of a town the size of SANGRE GRANDE, will ever do , has been done and that is to raise awareness of Downsyndrome.
If you have not heard and you must be the only person alive not to, Sarah Palin is supposed to have had a child with Down syndrome barely four months ago and as one experienced mother told me, she is the healthiest looking four-month old post partum woman yet seen, even if , as reported, she is breast feeding , whilst working a full-time day as governor of Alaska.
They make them tough up north!
There is talk that the child is not hers but her 17-year old daughter's who is also said to be now five months pregnant. The theory goes that Governor Palin covered up her daughter's pregnancy for political reasons. Whatever the truth, and I certainly do not believe the rumours, this is a fertile family, indeed."
29 minutes ago
Hey Auntie, I see you were able to figure out how to post!
A doctor friend of ours up here said it makes sense that the child is truly Palin's because if you have the child in your early 40's, there is a higher risk for down syndrome. She had the baby at age 44.
[start of rant]
My whole thing about Palin and the current election is just how stupid some Americans are. Literally. Yep, I said it. A good chunk of Americans are STUPID! You know why? McCain's campaign manager said the election is about personalities, not issues. Now any rational person would think that is wrong. It should be about issues. There are so many problems to solve, we should be voting on who we think can solve the problems the best, not who we want to have a beer with.
Well, some people hear that line and literally don't get offended by it. There are many people who hear McCain's POW story and think, "Wow, he went through a lot for his country. He's very patriotic. I like him. I'm going to vote for him. He makes me feel safe" ...all without ever knowing what his plans and policies are. They see Sarah Palin and think, "She's spunky! She's a hockey-mom. She's a mother. She's a woman! I like her alot. She's a perfect running mate for McCain" ...all without ever knowing what she's about, what her record is and what she stands for.
To me, to hear that line from his campaign manager and then knowingly go and vote for somebody simlpy because you like them and don't know jack squat about their plans or policies (and how they affect the country and your self interests) is sheer stupidity in my book. And don't think I'm leaving out the black folks who think, "Oh yeah, I'm voting for Obama so we can have a brother in the White House." ...they are just as bad!!!!
Yes, many American's are just plain stupid. And the media takes advantage of it. We've spent the last 2 days talking about lipstick on a pig when we have so many problems to talk about. The media leads their newscast or front page with this assinine story, almost in a sense mocking us for how stupid we are. I can't help but think so much of the world looks at us and thinks, "What a bunch of dumb idiots". And what do some Americans do? They ridicule Obama for the fact 200,000 Germans came out to hear him speak. Oh, so we want a President that nobody in the world likes? Is that it? SHEER STUPIDY! Some Americans hate Europe and think their all a bunch of socialist liberals. Well, with the value of the Euro embarassing the US dollar and the quality of health care and life they have compared to 45 million uninsured Amreicans, they must be doing something right!
As proud as I am for what the USA has given me, it's dumbed down politics like this that make me embarassed to be American.
[/end of rant]
chris, don't forget that there are also black people who won't vote obama because that would encourage black people to take it as an excuse to misbehave. i have never really taken much interest in the long drawn out process that is american politics and i am now awe struck at the mentality of the american electorate.i am sure that the rest of the world is looking on and wondering the same. i certainly hope that the hype on palin is from rural america and that the sound of their collective voices is not strong enough to drown out reason and sanity.
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