Friday, August 15, 2008

Fantastic Olympic opening ceremony

Just reminiscing about how amazing the 2008 Beijing Olympic opening ceremony was. How they were able to synchronize and choreograph so many thousands of was truly a breathtaking performance of art, imagination and technical production. Did I say how incredible it was? Easily the most magnificent spectacle I have ever seen in my life. By far. It was like Carnival on mega-steroids! For those of you who missed to be you!

Actually, NBC has given those of you who missed it a reprieve. They have the entire opening ceremony video (divided into 3 parts) available on their Olympic website. If you do want to see what all the hype was about, you can go here to get started. Just search through the listings of videos to find "Opening Ceremony Act I: Pageantry". Once you see it, click on it. It will launch another window (pop up) where you can watch the original live coverage over again. You can use my settings: Choose my NYC local zip code of 11428. Then choose Verizon FIOS cable provider from the list. Then just pick the NBC 4 New York original broadcast. You will have an option to install a small Microsoft plug-in. If you do, you will be able to watch the video in near HD quality! Yep, all $40 billion dollars worth! (According to wikipedia, that's how much China invested in the city of Beijing and the opening ceremony.)

The 2008 Beijing Olympics are officially the most expensive games in history with a total of $40.9 billion spent between 2001 and 2007 on infrastructure, energy, transportation and water supply projects.
Here's a slide show of some beautiful pictures taken during the opening ceremony (via The Boston Globe website). Enjoy!!!!

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