Friday, August 29, 2008

Tina? Is that you?

All seriousness aside, does anyone think Pallin looks a LOT like Tina Fey?

[Fixed the "red X" that used to be in place of Tina's picture. -Trininuyawka]


Trininuyawka said...

Yeah, but Tina looks better (less librarian-ish) and is a Democrat!

Colonel Saunders has some nerve to pick a chicken as his running mate.

Saratoga DuChaussees said...

What's wrong with being a librarian!!!

elise barrow said...

I like librarians that forgive large fines.

Trininuyawka said...

Nothing's wrong with librarians. In the same way there is nothing wrong with nerds or geeks. All I know is you never see a "Nerds & Librarians" calendar for sale. Or a "Geeks & Librarians" photo shoot spread in Vogue or Cosmo.

Saratoga DuChaussees said...

I am getting my master's in library and information science. I did not realize that nerds, geeks, and librarians go hand in hand!

Trininuyawka said...

Hey congrats! But didn't you know? Anybody who reads books in this country goes hand in hand. You all are the minority. This country is all about athletes and celebrities. =o)

elise barrow said...

I truly enjoy reading books when I have the time. I tried to start this new book on the train that I bought: Pure, but I don't think I am going to be able to get through it. Have you heard of it Jen? It automatically disturbed me as it starts out with a 13 y.o girl talking about how she lets boys feel her up during lunch. Um, no thanks? I really may have to put it down. Any books (other than Twilight) you might suggest?

Saratoga DuChaussees said...

Check out this search engine...
Ms. Dewey is not your stereotypical old lady librarian!

Right now I am reading People of the Book, by Geraldine Brooks. It's okay so far, I'll let you know if it gets better (I have been told it is great). I just read Nineteen Minutes, by Jodi Picoult, and it was pretty good, but it plays with my emotions a little too much. And have you read The Time Traveler's Wife? That is one of my favorites. I also loved both books by Khaled Hosseini (Kite Runner & 1000 Splendid Suns). I have not read Pure, and I don't think I could stomach it either! Not with Gabby getting close to age 13 herself! Another book I really liked was Over a Thousand Hills I Walk With You-- it's about a girl in Rwanda during the genocide. Heartwrenching, but good.

(btw... I don't get Vogue, but I don't think I would read it enough to make a subscription worth it--even when it is the nice price! But thanks for asking me!)

Saratoga DuChaussees said...

Another good one... Have you read Water for Elephants?

elise barrow said...

Thanks for all the good boook ideas. I have returned to a book I bought last year and olny read 98 pages of originally: The Seventh Harry Potter. I figure now is as good a time as any to finish it. I can't even remember what happened in the 6th one. Boo.

I will have to check out some of the other books you said. I wanted to read Kite Runner but I don't think I can handle the rape scene. Was it bad?

What is Water for Elephants about? Is it anything like Water for Chocolate?

Saratoga DuChaussees said...

I don't remember if the rape scene was graphic or not... what stands out to me is how the person who witnessed it responded. Have you seen the movie? I have not.

Here is the description for Water for Elephants (I didn't think I would like it before I read it... I LOVED it!):

From the Jacket

"An atmospheric, gritty, and compelling novel of star-crossed lovers, set in the circus world circa 1932, by the bestselling author of Riding Lessons.

When Jacob Jankowski, recently orphaned and suddenly adrift, jumps onto a passing train, he enters a world of freaks, drifters, and misfits, a second-rate circus struggling to survive during the Great Depression, making one-night stands in town after endless town. A veterinary student who almost earned his degree, Jacob is put in charge of caring for the circus menagerie. It is there that he meets Marlena, the beautiful young star of the equestrian act, who is married to August, the charismatic but twisted animal trainer. He also meets Rosie, an elephant who seems untrainable until he discovers a way to reach her.

Beautifully written, Water for Elephants is illuminated by a wonderful sense of time and place. It tells a story of a love between two people that overcomes incredible odds in a world in which even love is a luxury that few can afford."

(I don't know what Water for Chocolates is about--is it good?)

elise barrow said...

Thanks for that description. I will have to check that one out. Water for Chocolate (Como Ague Para Chocolate) is a great book. I read it so long ago though, my description would just confuse you. But it is good.

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