Sounds like a simple question, right? Well, when you don't even have a clue and need somebody else to tell you (a paid staff no less!!!!), you have no right to call anybody else an elitist or say they are out of touch with Americans. Not only that, chances are you yourself have no idea how to help the majority of poor and middle class Americans when it comes to the economy....or worse, the current subprime mortgage crisis!!!
Hello Kettle. I'm Mr. Pot.
2 hours ago
1 comment:
Politico: Sen. McLame, how much did you make last year?
McLame: 400K.
Politico: And your wife?
McLame: 6 MILLION?
I can only imagine how emasculating it must be for McBlaim to know that his wife pulls in all the beef in the family. (Not that this is a bad thing, but based on Cindy's seemingly 1950's view on the role of women....) I wonder if she gives him an allowance too. Hahaha.
Oh my. Yeah, to be so "poor." Owning 7 homes compared to one? Yeah, "elitest" my backside.
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