Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A video test...

Well, here's my first video posting as a test. It's a slideshow video from a trip some of us took to Kauai...Collie, Yraiz, Auntie Janet, Auntie Linda, Auntie Julie, Uncle Kenny, Elise, her brother Jason, and me in 2006. They took a smooth catamaran up the Na Pali coastline, we took a flat-bottomed raft with dual outboard engines. I'll let you guess who "they" and "we" represent. ;o)

Anyhow, I hope to post a slideshow from the Reunion Sunday Brunch this weekend. As well as a link to the original pictures posted in my Flickr account (since it appears I cannot post a video bigger then this size as it would take forever to download). Enjoy for the time being!

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