Thursday, August 7, 2008

Operation "Really? You think this is going to get them?"

So the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE (What a great name. I miss INS, personally) folks have thought up a great solution to our illegal immigration problem: Operation Scheduled Departure. It's as if it was a "here, we'll get you a nice seat on a plane" kinda deal.

Read on for more of the absurdity:

Exactly what I have been saying: In a country where you can "disappear" on a student visa and they never find you (even after 30 years), you struggled to come here with risk of detection, why would you say, you know, I need to go back to my crime-ridden, poor poor country?

Um, no doubt, Lou Dobbs was NOT part of the planning for this operation. Neither was Common Sense. He was out of the office that week.


Trininuyawka said...

But didn't you hear the details? They fly you back on JetBlue so you have free Direct TV....AND they pay for the $7 pillow and blanket too!

LOL, this is just an example of what happens when an incompetent person hires incompetent people to run incompetent departments with incompetent ideas. The dumb leading the dumber via stupidity.

Anonymous said...

In other words the lunatics are running the asylum ?

Janine! said...

This scheme sounds like a set up for something more sinister that they're planning. That is, when they do something totally inhumane and even more bizarre they can justify it by saying "well, we gave you the chance to self deport and you didn't take it so you only have yourself to blame!"

JulieB said...

Eight days into the program SIX people turned themselves in. Lou Dobbs is keeping track.

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