Thursday, August 14, 2008

12,000 calories per day

Oh, to be able to eat a pound of pasta AND a large pizza for dinner everyday....and STILL have trouble gaining weight. Michael Phelps is clearly not human, but some mutated aquatic-humanoid alien from that water planet in the Star Wars movies. Check it out here.


Anonymous said...

I read in the paper that he was double jointed at the wrist and ankles. I'm sure that makes him part dolphin. !!!

Anonymous said...

On second thought. I don't think it is a dolphin. In my mind's eye I see this smaller type of thing flapping it's fins. Maybe a sea lion?

Trininuyawka said...

We actually saw a complete physical anatomy breakdown on his body last night on NBC. (It was a bit bizzaire.) They said that his elbows and knees are double-jointed allowing him to be extremely flexible in getting his body movements to resemble a fish. They said he has a huge wingspan and large hands to essentially create two large "paddles" to move water. They also said his size 14feet and flexible ankles give him basically 2 large flippers to kick with.

Anonymous said...

The fish man did it again by 1/100 of a second. Whew !!!

JulieB said...

I think they said he won by the thickness of a sheet of paper.

Janine! said...

must have been that extra slice of pizza! he won by a slice of pizza! I think I'm going to start training like fishman. Someone pass me the phone I'm calling dominoes.

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