Friday, August 29, 2008


I was VERY impressed by Obama's speech last night. And as for McCain's VP pick, I didn't see that one coming. A woman... very smooth move. As I said before, I don't usually follow politics, but this is one great soap opera!


elise barrow said...

Hey Jen, glad you enjoyed the speech (said as if I wrote it or something). I didn't see this woman as running mate thing coming either. I think it is all a ploy to get the female independants who may not have taken to Obama. All I have to do is repeat what the President of Planned Parenthood said this week: A woman voting for McLame (sic) is like a chicken voting for Colonel Saunders. (Thanks to Chris for finding that quote.)

How is wish I had some KFC right now.

Trininuyawka said...

The fact that you don't follow politics that much but was impressed enough to post the fact that you were impressed says alot about Obama! He simply moves people in ways no other politician has in decades. He inspires people to believe in themselves, in their country and the power that as a nation togehter we can accomplish anything. "Empowerment" is very powerful stuff.

All I can say is that last night I was very moved by him and his speech on so many levels. As I said with Michelle Obama, it's like this election has taken on a very personal tone. I guess that's why there are so many millions of new voters registering. To witness Obama take the oath I know I will shed a tear. Not because I am witnessing something I never thought I would witness in my lifetime. But because I am seeing someone who, in knowing what he stands for, fills me with pride and literally makes me so proud to be an American.

As for his VP choice, if I were a woman I think I would be offended for two reasons:

1) His main argument against Obama is that he is not experienced enough to be President. Okay, so you're telling me that you're picking someone who is 3 years younger then Obama, has only 1 and a half years of experience as a governor of a state with only 680,000 people, and has zero foreign policy experience as your VP because you think she is qualified enough to be President in case something happens to you? PUH-LEEZE!!!

2) His been pandering to upset Hillary voters with commercials all week, asking why Obama didn't put her on the ticket. Okay, so by putting a woman on your ticket who is completely opposed to everything that Hillary stands for, you think women are just supposed to jump up and vote for you? The equivalent of a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders? PUH-LEEZE

He is using her to simply attract women voters and not because she has all the experience he criticizes Obama for. Because she doesn't! And if that isn't condescending, patronizing and superficial, I don't know what is.

But I'm just a man, so I could be wrong.

elise barrow said...

There was one more thing that really got me thinking last night, which I rarely think the R side things about: At one point during the pre-speech video,Obama goes that the election isn't about him, but really about us (the voters) and what we can do to secure a better tomorrow for our children. As a mother, this really got me. I look at that crazy Bellie that we have that walks and talks and pushes and kisses and says "wecome" and I can't help but tear up. So Obama made me think, really, it isn't about him, but what WE need to do to ensure there is an America for Bellie and Baby Genny, and all the family to grow up in, and to have kids in, and so on. It woul dbe scary to think that if McCain won, where would we all be? The "War on the Middle Class" (the only thing Lou Dobbs says that I will listen to) would only get worse, driving many to become unensured people picking lettuce for a measly $50 bucks an hour all summer long (see previous post by trininuyawka...HIL-LAR-I-OUS!). But seriously, though I have truly drank the Kool-Aid (JIm Jones reference thank you very much!), I would hope those who are still holding their cup will look at just those facts alone, realize they don't have more than 5 million in assets, let alone 200K, and then vote Obama: if not for them, then for their children's children.

Trininuyawka said...

Oh, and point number 3)

If Palin were a man, you truly want me to believe you would have picked "him" with that resumé? PUH-LEEZE!!!

Just call her "Geraldine Quayle". It fits in so many ways.

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