Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
auto company bailouts - your turn to weigh in
Your thoughts and opinions?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
No capes!!!
In the words of Edna Mode (about 2 minutes into the video)...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
About that cape...

In response to my esteemed cousin JayJay, I feel it is my duty to inform you that capes have been cool since 1938, as evidenced by this first issue of Action Comics in June of that year. I feel your memory of a Wham! video, 1983 and the inventing of capes has been clouded and somehow distorted over time.
Perhaps you meant to say that you were inspired by seeing the above cover in 1983 on TV in a history of comics documentary, noticed the coincidence that the year was switched around on the cover, and decided to create a cape from one of your mom's sheets and use it in a Halloween costume of Wham! member George Michael?
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The Corn Soup Chronicles.
Presenting....The Corn Soup Chronicles.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
About that Peterbilt 387...

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Peterbilt documentary
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Super NERD!
(My mom instantly knew who I was talking about when I called her all excited. You'd think I saw Brangelina or something.)
- Super NERD over and out
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
New Obama controversy...
After you see what it's about, go here to see how the previous President did in his first term.
Barack & Michelle Obama interview.

It was just very odd to see them together sitting there and to know that you were looking at the next President and First Lady. A young African-American couple. Not too far off from The Huxtables on The Cosby Show. Very touching to see them holding hands towards the end of the interview.
"Well....I don't tell my mother-in-law what to do. I'm not stupid... that's why I got elected President, man."
New hoops prodigy...
Simply amazing.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Not quite the same video...
I took Bella into the voting booth. I was so proud for her to look at the button I wore under my jacket, pointing to it, saying "Obama." I was proud of her for (attempting)to turn the knobs for Barack and Joe (they're family now, right?). I felt proud when she pulled the lever to the right, hearing our votes be counted. I was cheesingly proud to smile for Chris' camera phone after voting with Bellie in my arms, thinking we had dome something monumental, no matter how small, and how little time it took. It made me think about all of those other people that actually had to wait in line to vote (and those who were whipped and beaten and laughed at for us to be able to vote). How could you NOT want to exercise that right?
I admit to fear when I saw McCain up 8 to 3. Was this the Bradley Effect for real? (I knew Tom Bradley and he was an incredible man for Los Angeles in the 1980's) I had to think, it's only Red states...it will get better. And man, boy did it. Barack was trouncing McCain and all I could do was listen and just not believe. I still didn't want to even utter it when it was pretty much inevitable, based on the lovely John King's magic map. Slowly seeing states that were previously Red go GLARINGLY Blue made it start to sink in. But, truth be told, I still am walking around thinking "Did this really happen? Is it true?" Everywhere I walk in Manhattan I see people and I can see the pride they have on their faces. Our normally stoic community is beaming with pride, like we were all living under a rainbow or something. Sure, I live in a predictably Blue state, but this man, this BLACK man, was able to turn states that were lily white into states that said their country is better than that, and that they needed to vote for someone who actually gets it.
Before we went to bed, I went in to check on Bellie. Touching her back, as I often do to make sure she is breathing, to tell her, for the first time that we have our first black president. It was incredible. Finally this country had done something right to leave behind for this generation of young ones, and for the generations to come.
Waking up yesterday was euphoric, and even as I walk around, in withdrawal from not being a slave to CNN much longer, I pridefully show off my Obama pin (not a fake, but one from MoveOn). I love seeing his pin on people's bags and hats and lapels. In past years, memorabilia like this has gone away soon after, on "Day After Election" Wednesday, but this time, people are showing it off with pride. Right now, I can't see putting my button away until a new one comes out.....in 2012.
Today, a few days later, my pride still beams, and Bellie is still saying Obama when I ask her who mommy and daddy voted for. We did it. And though some of us gave money, most of us (I hope) voted, and some of us just said hey, he could do the job, I feel like we all did it. We didn't log miles on a plane, criss crossing the country, talking in rain and wind and sun. We sat comfy at home watching it all on 24 hour news, but we all did it. Chris and I hugged knowing that this was OUR victory too.
A few days before the election I was reflecting with Chris that we are more liberal than our parents, and that our children will be even more liberal and tolerant than even we purport to be. Bella won't ever think twice about a woman as a formidable candidate (I'm talking Hill here.) and that of course, a black man can be president. And if Chris and I are blessed with a son in the future (sorry, no announcements here), he will always know, there is no limit for him as a black man...the only limit is his imagination.
I guess I have rambled on and on, but oh well. I still can't believe it's true.
Headlines around the world...

The future of the American democratic process
May I suggest this as the new democratic process?
Just picture the CNN results splashed across the screen on voting day:
"McCain gets served....Obama president!!!"
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A night for the ages...
Rushing back to catch up with CNN and seeing the results come in slowly at a crawl. Oh the suspense!!! Seeing McCain lead in early results for Virginia, a key state to Obama winning...and having a little bit of worry but calming myself down as it was only 5% of returns counted so far for the state. Seeing all the blue states go for Obama that were going to go for him. Then logging on to order some Pappa John's pizza (election day special large with 3 toppings for $11.04 - the date) and seeing flash on the MSN home page that PA went for Obama. YES! A serious dent in McCain's chances!
Munching on our pizza, seeing all the typical red states colored yellow because it's too close to call. Now that's what I'm talking about! All Obama needed was one....just one of the big ones and it was over. Florida, he's up. Virginia is now tied. North Carolina he's barely up. Then Wolf Blitzer announces with CNN's dramatic music: "We can now project that Barack Obama will carry the state of Ohio...". That's it! It's over! There's no way McCain can win now! Even John King and his magic wall detail the obvious. The grim look on Alex Castellanos face. The suppressed joy on Roland Martin's face. Is this really happening????? Then we both nod off from itis. It's a long while still until the west coast results come in. I doze off seeing "207" down in the corner for Barack Obama. Maybe I am dreaming?
A shake from Elise and I open my eyes to see "291" down in the corner. "HE DID IT! HE DID IT!" I sat quietly listening to David Gergen's reaction to the history being made. Shots of the crowd in Grant Park, Chicago waiting for Obama are shown. People hugging, jumping, screaming, crying.... I am NOT dreaming this! Shots of Times Square, Harlem, Pennsylvania Avenue in DC....people everywhere bursting into celebration as if it's New Year's Eve. Seeing both men and women wiping their eyes, one women physically on her knees sobbing. Jesse Jackson in the crowd, his face glistening with tears, his eyes red. Oh man, I start to feel it coming on. Phew! Deep breaths, deep breaths!
A nice speech by the REAL John McCain, not the angry neocon that was impersonating him. Then they cut to Chicago. And I'll never forget the announcer: "Ladies and Gentlemen.....The First Family!" Bam, the dam breaks and tears start coming up. This IS real. He WILL be President. Yes we DID. The pan shots of the crowd, deep as the eye can see. His two beautiful daughters. His lovely wife...OUR First Lady. Joe Biden, his wife and family. What a great sight to behold. Random car drives down the street blowing it's horn outside. LOL! Pride is felt inside me like nothing I've felt before.
Then his speech. It's like the most beautiful music to my ears. Ingesting every sentence, every word. How we are all Americans. How this election was about us. How there is nothing we can't solve. "Yes we can." He weaves into his speech parts of MLK's vision. That we may not get there in a year. Maybe not even in a single term. "But I promise you....together, we'll get there." A more perfect union. An America that takes care of all her citizens. Then he talks about the 106 year old woman from Atlanta. The tale he tells of everything that she had been through and witnessed is so powerful. That it would end with her casting her vote for Barack Obama. And that here he is on stage, the 44th President of the United States.
Finally he ends his speech in a way that hits you deep down: "This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time - to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American Dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth - that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people:
Yes We Can."
I still hold it in. That is until I see splashed across the screen in all it's high-definition glory with his picture:
"Barack Obama: Elected President."
I sit back and let it go. Yes we can, America. Yes we did.
I am Barack Obama!

Hey All,
Yesterday was surprisingly one of the greatest days of my life. I didn't realize I was a sucker for this kind of thing but I am! I figured it out when I had to force myself to stop bouncing in my chair at work long enough to draw the picture. Don't get me wrong, I'm still wary, this could be a big old ploy to distract us from some real evil being done to some poor country somewhere. And I'm scared too : I wish they wouldn't put those children on that stage! It only takes one wacko sniper... But nevertheless. I feel good. I really do!
To quote my friend's four year old girl " I am Barack Obaaama, I am Barack Obaaaama!"
For those who don't visit facebook please read Ashley's words below. (I hope you don't mind Ashley, I couldn't help it girl!)
Ashley's beautiful take on Nov 4th 2008
November 4th, 2008--An Election to Remember
Today at 5:11am
I'm not much of a writer and you guys may disagree with me all entirely, or may not even care, but those who I am sharing this with are important to me so I felt really compelled to give a brief take on my experience on November 4th, 2008. Hands down, today was one of the happiest days of my life. In an instant, my whole perception about my past, my present, and future changed--and changed for the better. It was not just the fact that someone I agreed with politically was elected into office; it was that a black man who I agreed with politically was elected into office. Someone sent me a very simple text today that was so plain, yet so powerful; "Rosa sat so Martin could stand. Martin stood so Obama could run. Obama ran so your children could fly." Run he did, and fly we will. What was even more spectacular about today is the fact that I was blessed to be at the most prominent HBCU in the nation to celebrate. On that rainy evening, we screamed, we laughed, we hugged and we cried. There wasn't a sad face to be found. Everyone, including myself, was making multiple phone calls to parents, friends, loved ones--any one they could get ahold of. We ran around campus, danced in the streets (literally), and shouted till we were horse.We were all dazzled over having just watched history be made right in front of our very eyes. I felt a sense of pride as I stood on the hallowed grounds of Howard University and thought of all those accomplished black men and women who walked this campus for decades in persuit of a good education to better themselves, their people, and their community. I am stunned when I think about where we have reached. It was a very moving experience to be among such a strong people and to feel that sense of accomplishment and commrodary. Barack Obama is a shining light, and I truly believe, in my heart, that with our support and sense of togetherness as a country, it can only get better from here. It won't be easy, it will take time, and he WILL make mistakes. But for the first time I feel so passionately about and I strongly believe in the new leader of our country. He has restored hope in blacks, whites, asians, hispanics and everyone else, nationally and globally. I mean, let's keep it real here, how often in history do people like that come along? The whole world was rooting for him. I put my faith in Barack Obama. God bless him, and God bless this country.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Presidential campaigns vs. potato chips
The Center for Responsive Politics calculates that, by Election Day, $2.4 billion will have been spent on presidential campaigns in the two-year election cycle that began in January 2007, and an additional $2.9 billion will have been spent on 435 House and 35 Senate contests. This $5.3 billion is a billion less than Americans will spend this year on potato chips.
*Another interesting fact: the potato chip was invented in Saratoga Springs in 1853 by an African American/Native American man named George Crum.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Why I'm voting for Barack Obama....
I can't even begin to imagine the impact he will have on young folks, especially black kids, when they see him repeatedly for the next 4-8 years addressing the nation. Proving day after day that anything is possible and anybody can be President. Giving kids hope and ambition with every press conference he gives. Showing that racism indeed can be defeated. Displaying an image that black men are not all criminals. That we can possess intellect. That we can possess responsibility. That we can be good fathers and raise a beautiful family. Having a black woman, that for all too long have been at the very bottom of the totem poll in terms of rights (behind black men and white women) now representing the most powerful nation on earth as First Lady with class, strength and elegance. And seeing the future of my daughter Isabella in the faces of his two young daughters as they play on the South Lawn of the White House. Knowing that Bella will grow up always understanding that anybody (including herself) could be anything they want to be, including President. She will never know the feeling of thinking you'd never see a black person in the White House. These images that I imagine as I wait to see if Obama is indeed the 44th President of the United States tomorrow cement my belief that he will be an extraordinary leader of this generation, this country and of the world in a way that I never could have imagined 2 years ago much less envisioned during my lifetime. And that is why I am casting my vote for Barack Obama.
Excellent Obama interview on MTV...
The fact that McCain declined MTV for a similar interview and a chance to speak to young voters right before they vote speaks for itself.
You can read it here in text or watch the video.
Just a note - the video is unavailable outside the US for copyright reasons
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Top 25 fastest production cars
Car guys and gals.....enjoy.
Ariel Atom
Fox Attacks Obama...just like they did Kerry....
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Electronic Voting Machines.
What's truly funny is he defends that the machine doesn't pick McCain if you vote for Obama. Okay, fine….but it still picks somebody else!!!! And why in the world would an electronic machine need to be "recalibrated"? I mean if I move my PC from one desk to another, it doesn't need "recalibrating".
And the ultimate confidence killer? After….yes AFTER….he recalibrates the machine and votes straight Republican…..it picks Nader for president! What poor excuse for a programmer came up with these pieces of faulty craptastic equipment? This kind of stuff just makes absolutely no sense when I have a $250 iPod playing EXACTLY what song I pick when I click on it out of a library of 5000 songs.
This kind of BS just kills me!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
How much can I save?
Friday, October 24, 2008
Any Barack Supporters out there?
Anyone with kids or a bit of free time or both who supports Obama should check this website out.http://www.build-o-bama.blogspot.com/
It lets you download a template for Barack paper dolls! Mom, I know you used to be heavily into paper dolls perhaps it might be worth a look?
and...A task for my American family:
In 100 words or less who's voting for who and why?
This is how they roll in India....
Palin as President
- First, click here to go to the web page.
- Move your cursor around to point at different things.
- As you pass over things, either they will automatically animate or the cursor arrow will change to a finger indicating you can click on it.
- There are MANY things to click on but here's some easy, funny ones:
- Try clicking on the 3 windows....then waiting to see who walks by outside.
- Try clicking on the two side panels on the front of the desk.
- Try clicking on the door on the left....many times.
- Try clicking on the globe on the left by the door.....many times.
- Try clicking on the red phone AFTER you've opened the window shades.
- Try clicking on the computer screen behind her and reading all the stuff that scrolls on it.
Apparently they keep adding stuff until Election day. So explore and enjoy!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Plantains - An excerpt from The Trinidad Guardian
“Let them eat cake.”
Now Patos and Arnie are saying:
“Let dem eat plantain.”
Brilliant .......Bring on “de 20 / 20 Vision” and pass de word ..... ahm, sorry, de plantain...
Wednesday 8th October, 2008
Plantain to replace parboiled rice—Piggott
RICHARD LORD Agriculture Minister Arnold Piggott says the amount of parboiled rice used in this country is to be reduced and replaced by plantain. Piggott announced this during his contribution to Monday’s Senate debate on the 2008/2009 national budget. He outlined the Government’s plan to increase food production and reduce the importation of certain food items. Piggott said the current “level of dependency on imported food is, at this time, at an unacceptable level.” Dealing with the importation of parboiled rice, Piggott said: “We are proposing that some of that be replaced with plantain and that would target 6,080 tonnes on 1,216 acres of land. Wheat, we are targeting replacement by cassava and mixed crops and we are looking at increasing the tonnage there on 1,010 acres of land.” Piggott said locally produced sweet potato was to replace the imported Irish potato. Piggott said T&T imported more than nine per cent of staples and more than eight per cent of legumes it consumed. “This pattern must be changed,” he stressed. He slammed critics who say the mega farms have not been established to date. He said: “It must be appreciated that these are capital projects, which involved a medium term type of cycle before they can begin to bear significant fruit.” He added: “Preparation of land for commercial activities in agriculture cannot produce immediate results... indeed a lot of work has been done in preparing these farms to prospective investors.” Piggott said the Government was close to establishing a system of crop insurance for farmers. And he said each family in the country must move to plant at least two fruit trees in their backyards. On high food prices, Piggott said it was caused by “unnecessarily long supply chains for local produce, very unreasonable mark-ups, an inadequate production and marketing information systems.”
Thursday, October 16, 2008
BrotherJamal Simmons Where Art Thou?
"If my aunt had a male appendage she'd be my uncle."
Ah, my U.N.C.L.E. Interesting.
Monday, October 13, 2008
US National Debt...
When Jimmy Carter arrived at the White House: $660 billion.
- Added during Carter's four years: $337 billion.
- Added during Ronald Reagan's eight years: $1.6 trillion.
- Added during George H. W. Bush's four years: $1.6 trillion.
- Added during Bill Clinton's eight years: $1.5 trillion.
- Added during George W. Bush's seven years, nine months: $4.5 trillion.
- Portion of the $9.5 trillion added to the national debt during the past 31 years and seven months that came during Republican presidencies: $7.7 trillion.
- Percentage of that $7.7 trillion added during George W. Bush's two terms: 58%.
Could somebody explain again what "fiscal conservative" means?
Voter ignorance - Part 2
Speaks for itself.
Money quote from a "compassionate conservative" at the 1:16 minute mark:
"She should pay double!!!"
45 Slices of Pizza. Really?
Today there is a news story about the guy who wins the Nathan's hot dog contest every year. This time he has eaten 45 slices of pizza! Wow. Everyday when I walk to work I see about 5 homeless people asking for food, etc. In Haiti, mothers are making mud "cookies" to feed to their children, because there isn't anything else to eat, and no one can afford the bread in the stores, when there is any.
But yes, this dude is going to go out and consume his body weight in pizza slices.
It's like taking a full oil tanker, overturning it on your front lawn, and then going to fill your gas tank up with $5/gallon gas down the street.
Gluttony. Isn't that one of those "sins" Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt were talking about?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Bill O'Reilly gets his butt kicked!!!
Bill O'Reilly gets called out as a loud mouth by.....PHIL DONAHUE!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
O. M. G.
See Jen's video clip posted above ^
Dumber than a 5th grader...LIVE!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Dumber than a 5th grader....
Was she not around to see the 2000 election and Bush v. Gore? And I won't even mention famous cases learned in grade school like, oh, I don't know….Brown v. Board of Education, Dred Scott Decision, Miranda v. Arizona. The biggest one that she SHOULD know? How about 3 months ago when the state of Alaska lost $2 billion dollars when the Supreme Court ruled to reduce Exxon's punative damages from the Valdez spill????? I guess as governor of Alaska and being married to a fisherman, losing out on $2 billion dollars is irrelevant.
You just can't make this stuff up.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Team Obama
Barack Obama - Occidental College - 2 years
Coulmbia University - BA political science(International politics)
Havard - Jurist Doctor(J.D.) Magna Cum Laude
Joseph Biden - University of Delaware- BA History
BA Political Science
Syracuse University College of Law - Jurist Doctor (J.D.)
Team Mc Cain
John Mc Cain : Naval Academy- class rank- 894 of 899
Sarah Palin- Hawaii Pacific University - one semester
North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study
University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism
Mantasuka Susitana College - one semester
Univesity of Idaho - 3 semesters - BA in journalism
No Jack, tell us how you really feel.....
Tina Fey at her best
The sad part is that, for the most part, she is not making up the answer she gives with regards to the $700 billion bail-out package. If you go back and watch "Downright Scary - Part 2" for her original answer, you will see that all the main points are verbatim. Rumor is there are other parts of the interview that are worse that CBS has not aired.
Jay and Karen's anniversary
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Jay's bikes
Rezzy's first day of school
What a day it was. The weather was beautiful. Karen and I took the day off to send Rezzy to school. He was nervous the night before and had a hard time sleeping. It was a mixture of fear and excitement. This is what everyone was talking about....SCHOOL!! It's where the big kids go!!
I think WE - the adults - were experiencing more of the fear and excitement than we thought we were. We understood that we might have had to stay with him until he was comfortable and we told him that. When it was time to go in, he looked up at me and said "Are you coming with me?" Before I could answer, the teacher said "No, they have to go...." He put on a brave face and marched in while holding his new teacher's hand tightly.
I couldn't help but a cry a bit. It seems like yesterday he was born.......
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Downright Scary - Part 2
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Downright scary!
Yankee Stadium: In Memoriam...
After a classy ceremony at the stadium's final game Sunday evening, and in honor of the fact that the Yankees were officially eliminated last night, I decided to make a little slideshow from our Yankee Stadium tour back in June to the sweet music of Frank Sinatra. No other sporting venue has seen more championships in all of professional sports then Yankee Stadium. For you Yankee fans, enjoy! For all you Mets fans....sorry, I don't have a slideshow of Shea Stadium.
Monday, September 22, 2008
How many CARS do you own?
How many does Barack own? One. A Ford Escape Hybrid. He traded in his 300C Hemi last year when people started moaning about how the car guzzled gas.
First Presidential Debate in T-5 days. Heroes in T-10 hours.
Which are you more excited about?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Plastic Bags
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I don't get it.....
This has GOT to be code for something else. A (racial)elephant in the room, perhaps?
Let me explain.
Both Kerry and Clinton support abortion rights and support the ruling of Roe v. Wade (1973), and have made no qualms about going against the Church on this issue (Kerry was banned from receiving communion because of this...but this opens another Pandora's box that I don't have time to argue here). Back to the current issue....
How can a person who voted for two Pro-Choice candidates in the past up and switch to a Pro-Life candidate suddenly, because of the "life issue," an issue that did not sway him in previous election cycles? Could this be the rearing of the proverbial elephant many are afraid to discuss, but has become a VERY REAL reality in this election and an unsaid reason why many say that will NOT vote for Obama?
I welcome thoughts....
"Fashion Police" becomes reality.
A 17-year-old spent a night in jail last week after police arrested him for wearing low pants in Riviera Beach, southeast Florida.
The law banning so-called "saggy pants" was approved by city voters in March after supporters of the bill collected nearly 5,000 signatures to put the measure on the ballot.
Wow. Next up are a ban on "high waters", spandex, "muffin-top" jeans, cropped T-shirts, white outfits after Labor Day, pajamas in public, and....wait for it..... "Mom" jeans!!!
That was until a Florida judge deemed the law unconstitutional. The sad part is Dallas and Atlanta are considering creating their own "fashion police". Maybe they will ban black trenchcoats because clearly only terrorists wear those things.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Speaking of book banning....
Shortly after taking office in 1996 as mayor of Wasilla, a city of about 7,000 people, Palin asked the city's head librarian about banning books. Later, the librarian was notified by Palin that she was being fired, although Palin backed off under pressure.
Why would you even ask such a question, hypothetical or not, in this day and age and with all the book burning done in Nazi Germany? Can the GOP explain that one? Why does she need clarification on such a thing? Doesn't she know her history and the Constitution???? You're telling me you don't know if it would be legal? You don't know if you have the power to do so as Mayor? What planet does this woman live on?
I swear you can't make this stuff up:
Jim Rettig, a University of Richmond librarian who heads the Chicago-based American Library Association, suggested that lingering quarrel raises issues that are still relevant as librarians prepare to celebrate Banned Books Week later this month.
Librarians are very committed to the principles of the First Amendment of the Constitution and that means we don't allow one individual or a group of people to dictate what people can or cannot read," he said. "Most librarians if they got that sort of a question would be curious as to what the intent of the questioner was.
I'm sorry, but the only reason someone asks that question is because #1) They're ignorant and don't know history or the Constitution or #2) They're thinking about banning a book.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Celebrity talking sense.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Puting a Trini perspective on Palin
"Perhaps the most important thing that the Republican VP candidate in the American elections, Ms. Palin, the "pitbull in lipstick," and formerly the mayor of a town the size of SANGRE GRANDE, will ever do , has been done and that is to raise awareness of Downsyndrome.
If you have not heard and you must be the only person alive not to, Sarah Palin is supposed to have had a child with Down syndrome barely four months ago and as one experienced mother told me, she is the healthiest looking four-month old post partum woman yet seen, even if , as reported, she is breast feeding , whilst working a full-time day as governor of Alaska.
They make them tough up north!
There is talk that the child is not hers but her 17-year old daughter's who is also said to be now five months pregnant. The theory goes that Governor Palin covered up her daughter's pregnancy for political reasons. Whatever the truth, and I certainly do not believe the rumours, this is a fertile family, indeed."
Thursday, September 4, 2008
House vs. Fancy Outfit

Community Organizer?
Well, as pointed out on this blog, I guess these community organizers never led or accomplished anything:
- Susan B. Anthony
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Cesar Chavez
- Harriet Tubman
- Dorothy Day
- Mohandas Ghandi
- Oh, and somebody named Jesus of Nazareth.
And if Sarah Palin thinks by just being a governor that makes her better then any community organizer, then she must really like this guy, who was also a famous governor.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Mother = qualified to run the country.
You just can't make this stuff up....
In defense of "Mom" jeans
Thinking as I walked into work this morning, I suddenly understood the appeal of these jeans. You can easily hike them up over that little pooch thing you get after bearing children that never goes away, even after like 6 BILLION crunches each week. Hiking them up but wearing a longer top over it just covers the area and really makes your tummy look as flat as it once was...sorta. I haven't resorted to this fashion disaster (if ever there was one) but will it eventually come to a head? Will someone help me make the right decision when I reach that crossroad? Paired with a pair of white Keds, how could one go wrong.
Sometimes the choice of a "mom" jean is the difference between no muffin top with a high waisted pant, or an unsightly muffin top. Which is the lesser of the evils? With the new "High Waisted Pant" craze, will moms parading around in these pegged suckers be considered fashion-forward?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Second Reunion Video!
Here's the next reunion video as promised. It covers all the family portraits that were taken during the Sunday Brunch. (68 pictures and two songs.) Unfortunately posting these videos on the blog, you tend to lose some of the detail to keep the file size small enough to load quickly. However all the detail is kept when creating a DVD to play on a player and your TV. (Also, sorry for the slight video distortion. Still trying to figure out why it appears slightly scaled after I upload. I guess one trade off is everybody looks like they lost a few pounds. LOL!)
For the time being, enjoy the slide show and music. And again, all the photos I used are posted on my Flickr account. There are some really great portraits in there worthy of printing I think. After you Photoshop out that pole! LOL
A picture worth a thousand words...

...Because when you work as a mayor for 6 years in what (according to James Carville) "...looks like a bait shop in South Louisiana", you gain enough experience to run the United States of America.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Usain Bolt guilty of performance drugs!
After winning the Gold Medal in the 100m, 200m, and 4 x 100m relay, the Olympic Committee called for an immediate testing on Usain Bolt and the entire Jamaica track and field team. Results were delivered and labs detected large amounts of Yam, Oxtail, Manish Water, Steam Fish, Rice & Peas, Ting and Mackerel.
When questioned by reporters, the Jamaican Track Coach adamantly responded, "Kiss Mi Neck!!....A peer rumors a gwan!!" After which, he brandished a machete and threatened the reporters with responses such as: "You wan test de Rocket Launcher?!" More details to follow...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
KB is Home.....
Make a fool of yourself in 20 seconds
You can't make this stuff up....
Quotes you didn't hear...
Ohio Governor Ted Strickland:
You know, it was once said of the first George Bush that he was born on third base and thought he'd hit a triple. Well, with the 22 million new jobs and the budget surplus Bill Clinton left behind, George W. Bush came into office on third base -- and then he stole second. And John McCain cheered him every step of the way.
New York Governor David Patterson:
If [McCain is] the answer, then the question must be ridiculous.
President of Planned Parenthood Cecile Richards:
A woman voting for McCain is like a chicken voting for Colonel
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Any fanpires out there?
A First Lady I can relate to...
Then I listened to Michelle Obama's speech last night. She spoke about growing up with her older brother and he spoke about her memorizing Brady Bunch episodes. In that second, I connected with her in a way I never did with any other politician, much less a First Lady. We could instantly talk about how Marsha got slammed in the face with a football. Or recall the lyrics to "Keep On Movin'" or "It's A Sunshine Day". Then she spoke about coming home from the hospital with their first daughter Malia and Barack's anxiousness from the front seat while driving. And again I could relate to bringing Isabella home and feeling the weight of being a good father and raising a daughter of my own. She spoke about her mother helping to raise her kids and how she sees her mother in her daughters...and again I related. Finally, seeing the whole family on stage and hearing both Malia and Sasha say "I love you, Daddy" to Barack... although I can only hear "Dada" from Bella, I imagined the joy I would feel to hear those 4 words everyday after a long days work.
After hearing her speech, this election took on a more personal feeling for me. To see a family in the White House so close in similarities, experiences and values to my own is something I never thought I would witness. But there I was relating to Michelle as some lost relative instead of some detached stranger. Someone who I felt would have my best interest in mind more so then even Hillary. Now I understand the connection people may have had to JFK, and yes MLK too. You didn't know them personally, but you still felt a connection and a certain pride in them. To feel this connection to Michelle Obama...and Barack Obama as well... I am surprised in myself. And what a pleasant surprise it is.
For those who missed it, here's her 20 minute speech from last night's Democratic National Convention.
Die-Hard Hillary Fans - A Rant...
Let us first examine the demographic of the Die-hards: Hillary supporters are mainly middle-aged women who came of age during the sexual revolution of the 60's and 70's and are VERY committed to the idea that Hillary is a woman and was to be the first female president. They enjoy spirited debates about women's rights and how the media unfairly characterized Hillary througout the primary season.
Now, let us examine a prominent plank in the Republican party: They are Pro-Life and do not believe a woman has the right to an abortion, except for in the case of the health of the mother (and some don't even like THAT qualifier). Their main goal is to do all they can to strike down Roe v. Wade or make it next to impossible for a woman to obtain a safe abortion in this country. Basically, reverting back to 1972 when maternal mortality rates were at an all-time high. Why, you ask? Oh yeah, because women were dying from back alley, unsafe abortions, that's why!
Yeah, I could totally see where the Hillary Die-hards and the Republican party find common ground.
Note to the other side: If you really want to do ANYTHING to lower abortions rates, making them unavailable has been proven to make it worse, not better. How about providing adequate, COMPREHENSIVE sex education and easy access to family planning methods (and by "methods" I don't mean strict confession and a prayer that it didn't "take")? Allowing Big Pharm to make Viagra available at the drop of a hat, but making a woman shell out $130 for birth control seems a little like a mixed message to me. Don't you think? Isn't that your argument about abstinence only education?
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Finally! The first Reunion video!
I will be creating several more (Family Portraits, Store Bay Beach, Farewell Dinner, etc) and once I am done I will burn DVD's of all the slideshows for those who want one. This way, you can look at it on your TV nice and big instead of a tiny, somewhat blurry, version on the DNN blog.
All the pictures used in this slideshow can be found at my Flickr account here. However it's just not the same without the music! Turn up the volume and click the play button to the lower left to watch. Enjoy!
***If you are using dial-up, I wouldn't recommend trying to watch the video. It won't play smoothly. Sorry!***
Friday, August 22, 2008
Not to beat a dead horse...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
"How many houses do you own?"...Part Deux
"How many houses do you own?"
Hello Kettle. I'm Mr. Pot.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
A video test...
Anyhow, I hope to post a slideshow from the Reunion Sunday Brunch this weekend. As well as a link to the original pictures posted in my Flickr account (since it appears I cannot post a video bigger then this size as it would take forever to download). Enjoy for the time being!
Tobago is beat....Part Deux
How does it look from far away? Even the water isn't safe.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Tobago is beat...hands down.
(Check this site to see other pictures of things that appear Photoshopped (fake) but are actually real.)
Jesse's Marchin Orders - Part Deux
This morning Chris and I were watching/listening to News on 1 as we got ready. (News channel with only NYC stuff you cycle through in like 15 minutes). Anyways, one news story was that Queens cops have finally arrested one of two rapists on the loose in Hollis/St. Albans, Qns who was responsible for about 30 rapes that started last November. This guy's MO was that he stalked women at bus stops late at night. Police went so far as to shadow buses to find out when this guy would strike next. Another news story was the police are looking for a man who attacked an 87 woman in the elevator of her apartment building, robbing her of $900. He rode the elevator with her up little while and then got her in a choke hold, before hitting her over the head and robbing her.
Questions: Do the injustices of a previous generation justify the rape of unassuming women?Does institutionalized racism make a person so callous that he loses all respect for human dignity?
Jay and Chris both have valid points. Yes, institutional racism has made it hard for black men and women to get their due in this society, esepcially for the same hard work whites may be doing. We cannot negate that fact. It's horrible and pervades everything from hiring practices to drug sentencing guidelines. (This explains the black men in jail for selling the rock instead of the powder.) I don't think it is something that can be remedied in one generation, BUT we have to stop using past wrongs as a crutch and instead use it as a ladder to something better. Case in point: You see Boodro doing something worng but you resolve yourself to never become a Boodro. We as a people need to wake up everyday and say yes, there are people out there that do not want me to suceed, or my children to succeed, but it is MY responsibility to prove them wrong, and to go over and beyond whenever possible. Yes, this sometimes means that a black man will be working for the same pay to do 105% of what his white counterpart is doing, but at the end of the day, that person is doing something for the greater good of his people that cannot be measured. He is lifting them out of the bondage that they have put themselves in.
Don't get me wrong, I see Jesse's point, and I am the first to admit that the racism that exists has severely hurt our community (namely our black men who don't see much outside of quick money, ballin, or rappin), but where he goes wrong is that he puts EVERYTHING into the "We need governmental assistance" basket and the "Personal Responsibility" basket sits empty. Yes, the government did us wrong, but there comes a point when you have to look inside of you. I have two examples of this (and will then leave you to ponder):
1. Black in America told the story of Eric Michael Dyson and his brother. Both grew up in a pretty rough house with drugs and lots of crime. Eric is now a sucessful author and can be seen on CNN as a contributor (along with his wife) often. His brother: in prison serving life for murder, one he says was stupid and unnesessary. This is the mother of scientific design in a research study (my inner nerd reers it's beautiful head!): two brothers and only one turns out "bad?" Explain.
2. On a more spritual level, Adam and Eve were oblivious and blissfully happy in the Garden of Eden. The snake tricked them and God displayed his displeasure. He left them to fend for themselves, with one main thing to hold it all together: He gave them their FREE WILL! This means the ability to decide good and evil for themselves.
Where does free will and the ability to discern good and evil for ourselves play into this? How are some able to differentiate the two, and others fall into a trap?
This whole rant should have all been prefaced with: I am "privledged" and it is hard to say these things when my reality isn't the mean streets and living from day to day. But really, this is ALL of our reality, and until we look at it truthfully, we can never pose working solutions to problems the government isn't too eager to solve. Just a few weeks ago the US Congress formally apologized for slavery! It took them HOW long? Now Jesse, your great great great great grandchildren will be walking before we see the government instituting some real solution.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Mundane Super Heroes UNITE!
Possibles for me:
The ability to hold subway doors with the power of my mind.
The ability to set clock time based on what time I want it to be.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Fantastic Olympic opening ceremony
Actually, NBC has given those of you who missed it a reprieve. They have the entire opening ceremony video (divided into 3 parts) available on their Olympic website. If you do want to see what all the hype was about, you can go here to get started. Just search through the listings of videos to find "Opening Ceremony Act I: Pageantry". Once you see it, click on it. It will launch another window (pop up) where you can watch the original live coverage over again. You can use my settings: Choose my NYC local zip code of 11428. Then choose Verizon FIOS cable provider from the list. Then just pick the NBC 4 New York original broadcast. You will have an option to install a small Microsoft plug-in. If you do, you will be able to watch the video in near HD quality! Yep, all $40 billion dollars worth! (According to wikipedia, that's how much China invested in the city of Beijing and the opening ceremony.)
The 2008 Beijing Olympics are officially the most expensive games in history with a total of $40.9 billion spent between 2001 and 2007 on infrastructure, energy, transportation and water supply projects.Here's a slide show of some beautiful pictures taken during the opening ceremony (via The Boston Globe website). Enjoy!!!!